Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Kyunyok sasil ch 'aekcha :MJ:Bi .. Jf Jill
T "The True Facts of Equal Serv-
ice," by Hong KyehUi

Lang-chung (Ch.) ~~ t:p chief duty
official (Ming)
Later Ch'en dynasty 1f PJI!
Later Chin dynasty 1f tf
Later Chou dynasty (Ch.) 1f,niJ
Later Han dynasty (Ch.) 1f iI
Ii (Ch.) m land measurement
Ii (Ch.) .m 100-family unit (rang), 80
family unit (Chou)
Ii (Ch.) tI seeye; courtesy, rules of
social behavior
Li-cheng (Ch.) 1l!.lE chief of the 100-
family Ii (rang)
Li-clli tlltC Book a/Rites
li-chia (Ch) m Efl Ming system of
local control and surveillance
Ii-lao (Ch.) -*:::15 neighborhood elders
Ii-ming-{Ch.) tI-$ courtesy appoint-
ment, plan ofCh'eng Hao;yemyong in
Li pu (Ch.) ~ '1m Ministry of Per SOl mel
Li-pu-ts'ao (Ch.) ~$lf Office of
Personnel (Han)
liang (Ch.) W:J see yang; I tael, weight
Liang dynasty (Ch.) (502-57) ~
Liao dynasty (Ch.) it
Liao River it7j(
Liao-tung (Ch.) ~ * peninsula, river
in Manchuria
lin (Ch.) ~ 4-1amily unit (rang)
Liu Sung dynasty JJj;;f:
Lo-cheng (Ch.) ~lE official in charge
of instruction, National Academy
Lu (Ch.) B;f route, ie, province
lu-t 'jen a fH open or treeless lowland

madae ,~~ horse platoons


maek rt'f ridges
magun ,~. horse soldiers
makkOri grog
mal Colloquial for tu, 1115 ofa som
(call. for sok)
mal * branch
malbo * i* marginal support taxpay-
ers; see pyongbo, happo
manggwollye m M tI a rite at which
provincial officials would face toward
the royal court
mangmin ~ (£ deluding the people
Manllo 1J{ J=l lesser garrison com-
Manhojin ·Ilis J=i. small garrison
mankwa 7ifs f-J. new recruitment exami-
nation for soldiers
Meiji period ~ #t Japan, year period
men-fa (Ch.) r~ IiIJ aristocratic status;
see mlmbol
Men-hsia sheng (Ch.) r~ r 1!fr' Chan-
cellery (rang and Slmg)
men-llU r~ J=l family line
men-ti (Ch.) r~:l& family pedigree; see
mill ~ the people, general population
mindull ~"4: civilian colonies
Ming dynasty (Ch.) ~
milljoll ~ IE people's land, or land
owned privately by "the people"
minjollg ~ fff feelings of the people
milljung l~ tl: the masses
mogok % ~ "wastage surcharge" or
interest charge on stale-sponsored
grain loans
mogull ~. soldiers conscripted
directly by base and unit commanders
or civil officials
moipkun • A. recruited soldiers
mok !IX district headed by magistrates
sent from central government (Koryo)
Mokch' on (-hyon) (p.n.) *) If ( ~ )
in Ch 'ungch' ong Province
A10llgmin simso ~ ~ ,L.' t!f A Book
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