From the Heart on Goveming the
People, by Tasan
moryangmi .f; It the Mao or Chi-
nese provision tax (tangnyangmi) of
1611; see soryangmi
mosum hired labor, or agricultural
wage workers; see kogong
mubijuin ~ flU Z A purchasing mas-
ters, semi-private merchants to take
the place of existing tribute masters or
mudang ~ 1lt female shamans
Mugye (p.n.) ~m Kyongsang Prov-
muhak JEt military student archers
mukwa JEtf+ highest military examina-
mulgo injong p '0 !1m it,(.A T:(p' death
gratuity in cloth
mulli !1m m the principle of (material)
things; see wu-li
mun (wen in Ch.) Jt culture, the writ-
ten word, representation
mun 'an Jt ~ official permit
mUl/bol r, IlIJ aristocracy, noble fami-
lies and lineages
munho r~ P family line
Munhonbigo Jt .. ffU ~ see also
ChulIgbo munhonbigo
Munhwa Yu clan Jt 1t:f!lP ~
munji r':Im pedigree
munjok r'11 family lineage
munkwa Jtf+ highest level civil serv-
ice examination
munmuyangban JtJEtllWY-E civil and
military officials (yangban in the nar-
row sense of the word)
mllryok !fo/J ~ material desire
mllson JEt ~ men who passed military
selection examinations
myo iit\ the Chinese mu, land area unit
myoll Uij subdistrict (or county)
myollbyong ' ~ exemption from
military service
myonch 'on *' JI exemption from base
status, slavery, or manumission
myongbllll ~:5t one's moral obliga-
tions, but often used to indicate the
moral obligation of upholding proper
status distinction since social status
should accrue to morally superior in-
myollgjon ~ m possession of land
(name-land, or land registered to
someone by name)
Myongnyang (p.n.) 1\It~ in ChOlla
myollp '0 !Ill:(p' five-"foot" length of
cotton cloth
myonse *' & land tax exemption
myonyok *' 1!.i exemption [rom military
Naegumwi ~ ~~ Inner (Palace)
Forbidden Guards
Naejasi ~ !if'i'f Court of Palace Cui-
naeno ~ fr;fl.. male slaves employed in
the palace
naellobi ~ fr;fl... Royal Treasury
(Naesusa) and royal relative palace
(kuIIgbang) slaves
Naep'o(p.n.) ~7m inKyongsang
Naesa ~ ~ IImer House
naesasaeng ~ ~ 1: school or regular
dormitory student
naesi nobi ~ ~fr;fl... palace and
official bureau slaves
Naesomsi ~. ~ Court of Palace
Naesusa ~ $ PJ the Royal Treasury
Naet'ang ~ m- King's Treasury
Naeuiwon r;\;J. ~ Palace Physicians'
Naeyakkuk r;\;J.fif.J Palace Pharmacy
Nagoya (p.n.) ~ 11 ~
Najang .$ runners, see also Choye