Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

sillok 16: lOa. Frequently this will be followed by the date in the form: year of reign
of in the sixty-day cycle. as in Hyonjong 2.6.imjin. The index to this
edition of the Sillok was added in 1963.
SJW Siingjongwon ilgi [Records of the Royal Secretariat].
TJHT Taejon hoet'ong Kyoshu Taiden kaiden [The emended and annotated edition of
the Taejon hoet'ong]. Keijo: Chosen sotokufu Chusuin, 1939.


An Chongbok. Tongsa kangmok. [Major and minor points about the history of Korea].
3 vols. Edited by Chosen kosho kankokai, apparently photographically reproduced.
Seoul: Kyong'in munhwasa, 1970.
. Kugyok Tongsa kangmok [Korean translation of the Tongsa kangmok]. IO vols.
Seoul: Minjok munhwa ch'ujinhoe, 1977.
. "Kun'guk ch'ongnok" [Total national statistics]. In Chaptong san 'i [Miscellaneous
information]. 4 vols. Seoul: Han'gukhak munhon yon'guso, Han'gukhak kosajon
ch'ongso series, 1981.
Ch'i Chi-kuang. Chi-hsiao hsin-shu, Wcm-yu wen-k'o series. Edited by Wang Yiin-wu.
Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1938.
Cho Kwangjo. Kugyok ChOng 'am Cho SiJnsaeng munjip [The collected works of Cho
Kwangjo, trans.]. Seoul: Chong'am Cho Sonsaeng kinyom saophoe, 1978.
. "Choson kyonggukchon, sang" [Institutes for management of the state ofChoson,
Part I]. In idem, Sambongjip, Sang [Collected works of Chong Tojon, part IJ, pp.
204-32: Ha [part 2j, pp. 233-53. Seoul: Kuksa p'yonch'an wiwonhoe, 1961.
ChOng Tojon. Sambongjip [Collected works of Chong Tojon]. Seoul: Kuksa p'yonch'an
wiwonhoe, 1961.
Chong Yagyong. ChOng Tasan chOn so [The complete works of ChOng Tasan. Edited by
Yun Set'aek. 4 vols. Seoul: MunhOn p'yonch'an wiwonhoe, 1960, 1961.
. Mongmin simsb [Essays from the heart on governing the people]. In Chbng Tasan
CMnsc"j [The complete works of ChOng Tasan], vol. 3. Seoul: Munhon p'yonch'an
wiw5nhoe, 1961.
. Tasan nonch ong [Collected essays of Chong Yagyong]. Translated by Yi Iksong.
Seoul: Uryu mun'go, 1972.
Chosen Sotokufu Chusuin, ed. Kybngguk taejiJn [Great Code for management ofthe state].
Keijo: 1934.
. SoktaejiJn [Great Code, continued]. Keijo: Chosen Sotokufu Chusuin, 1935.
__. Taejon hoet'ong [Comprehensive collection of the Great Codej. Keijo: Chosen
Sotokufu Chusuin, 1939.
Chosenshi [History of Korea]. 35 vols. Keijo: Chosen insatsu kabushiki kaika, 1932-40.
Ch 'un-ch 'iu Kung-yang chilan-chu-shu [Spring and autumn annals, in the Kung-yang
tradition]. Ssu-pu pei-yao ed. Vol. 16. Shanghai, 1936.
Chung-hua shu-chii, ed. Tz'u-hai. Shanghai, 1947.
Chiingbo munhiJnbigo [The Munhonbigo, supplemented]. 250 kwi'5n Seoul: Hong-
mun'gwan ch'anjip kyojong, 1907.

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