Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1
1232 INDEX

excluded from educational system, 33, 191,
199,205: after lmjin War, 110-1 I; and
licensing, 101 S: and luxury goods, 1006;
taxes on, 29, 30, 55, 57, 58
ashigaru, 78
Ashikaga (shogunate), 75
Astronomy, 623
Augustine, Saint 208-9

Bamboo Peak, 84
Banquets, 401, 430-31, 527, 588-89, 593,

(^60) 9,63 (^6) -37
Barley production, J 10
Base status, 34, 35, 191,726, 840, See also
ch ()n; chop
Beattie, Hilary J" 39
Biography of Master Hi!. 99 I, 993
Bird Pass, See Sacjae
Bird's Peak, See Seje
Board of Personnel, 615
Board of Puhlic Works, 615
Board of Rites, 142,633
Board of Taxation, 615, 898
Bol, Peter, 126, 102 I
Bookfrom the Heart on Governing the People,
A, 757
Book of Changes (l Ching), 150,525
Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial (I-Ii), 52,
130 , [84,457
Book of Filial Piety (Hyogyong), 722
Book of History (Shu-ching), 127, 136, [40,
145,253.3 22 .593,594,600,6[3,621,622,
777,83 8 ,85 0. 879
Book of Poetry, 525,600
BookofRite.qU-chi}, 125, 126, 128,129,
647,745; Hslieh-ehi section, 125, 128;
Wang-chih section, !l6, 129, 152,647
Book of Rites of Elder Tai (Ta-tai Li-chih), 162
Book Reading Hall, 616
Border Defense Command (Pibyonsa; Piguk),
80-81,82,37 1 ,37 2 ,395,39 6 ,47 1 ,486.
Boy servants, 627, 630, 1140
Braudel, Fernand, 245, 246. 364, 1081
Bray, Francesca, 365, 367
Buddhism and Buddhists: antagonism toward,
25-26.27,59; in Choson era, 710; confis-
cated property of. 47, 86. 897. 906; and
Confucianism. 25-26. 27. 59: the dominant
religion, 1003; influence in Korea, 5, 6,
25-26; and metals melted for winage, 55;
and military service, 82; monasteries and
temples, 43. 453,685: and slavery, 118,
217, 258; and tribute contracting, 7 I; and
Bureau for the Determination of the Land
System, 363
Bureau of Construction, 621
Bureau of Forhidden Affairs, 620
Bureau of Market Weights and Measures, 624
Bureau of Medicine, 617
Bureau of Military Affairs, 596, 598, 599, 6 I a
Bureau of Tiles, 645
Bureaucracy. See Government
Cadastral surveys. See Taxation
Calligraphy, T 83
Capital bureaus (Kaksa), II I, 823, 827, 1030
Capital Patrol (Kum'owi). 618, 645
Capital Soldier Office (Kyongbyongbu), 625
Carriages, 63 I
Cash. See Currency
Catholics, 385. 756
Cavalry (madae), 47,79,426-27,444. See
also Military Training Agency
Censors, 647, 653, 665, 671-72, 678 , 793,
1142; investigating, 678; overzealous or
cowardly, 663-64; secret, 160,710,784,

  1. See also Office of Censor-General
    Central Division, 928
    Ceremonies of the Five Rites, 602, 603
    Ch'a Muns6p, 446, 475, 480, 52 3, 548, 565,
    1091 , 1093
    ch 'abi, 622
    chabo.446, 1092. 1099
    chaboin, 1099
    chaby6k (compulsory lahor service or taxes),
    chaby6k (tsu-pi; right of the magistrate to
    appoint his own subordinates), 656, 788,
    806, 807, 817
    ('h'adue, 669
    Ch'ae Chegong, 756, 985-87
    chaebOl. 850
    chaeji, 43, 28 4-85, 311 , 33 6 , 337, 338 , 344
    eh 'aek, 157
    ch 'aek hy6liyang. 157
    chaemul. 2 I 8
    ch'aei1p, 284-85. 338, 339
    ch'ain, 926
    chajuch'ijigwan, 739
    Ch'albang, 687, 820, 832, 846
    cham, 915
    Ch'ambong, 869

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