Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1
1252 INDEX

by soldiers, 90; specialized workmen, 622;
and substitute cloth tax, 572, 841; Tang
system, 474: uncompensated, 47~48, 633;
wall and fortification huilding, 524~30; by
women, 6~6~~7
Labor theory of value, 899
Land reform: and Confucian thought, 15,
386~87: distribution by class and status,
330~50; in early Choson, 41~46, 64~70; in
eighteenth century, 10 I 5~ 16; hired labor,
238~46, 351; land surveys, 323, 326; in late
Choson, 357-89; and merit subjects,
342 -43, 345-48, 349; Neo-Confucian pro-
grams, 27, 28; nothoi, 348-50; prebends,
338-40,341; princes, 340-50; principles,
fundamental, 3 q~30, 386~87; public land,
3 I 3~22, 351; royal Icadership, 327-30;
andsad(/~IJlI, 335~40, 341 -43, 346-47,
351-53: and slaves, 333~35: standardized
weights and measures, 322-27, 387; Sung
dynasty views, 299-3 I 2: taxation, 275-76;
Yu HyClllgw6n's legacy, 384-89. See also
taedong system: Taxation
Landownership: arable land, 43, 48, 68;
boundaries of plots, 281-83,296,305,309,
33 1~32; in early Choson, 16, 17, 41~46, 60,
64-70, 292; equal-field system, 42-43,
44-45, 69, 276, 280, 287-92, 3 I I; fictional
prebends, 298; government land grants,
296-97; after Imjin War, 19, 105-7; immis-
eration, 6R, 362; Kory6 system, 292-99,
323, :131~33: land limitation, 286-87,301-
4,308, JI I, 371,1030: landlords, 64-70,
279, 305~7, 308~9, 334, 359~62; in late
Chos6n, 357~89: limited-field system,
308-9,337,34°: oftlce land, 65, 66, 288,
289,335,372: IOO-IIlY" land unit, 304-5,
844; private property, 46, 67, 278-80, 287,
289-90, 297,311,313-19,385-86;prop-
e1iy rights, 67; sale prohibited, 67: and
social stratification, 108; square field sys-
tem, 302, 307-8; tenancy, 50, 67, 357-68.
See also Agriculture; Land reform; taedong
system; Taxation; Well-field system
Lang-chung, 633
Language pronunciation, 637~38
"Later age." See hll,\'~
Later Ch'cn dynasty, 077
Later Chin dynasty, 93, 98, 1 (nX
Later Chou dynasty, .\04, 593, 013, 897
Later Han dynasty, 110, 133, 139~40, 279, 290,

Law: bad laws, 122-23; in early Choson, 10,
38,57, 7 I: lawsuits, 74 I; legal expert, 679
Lee, Hoon K" 304, 365, 366
Left Warehouse, 624, 625, 839
Legalists, 239, 243, 992, 1005
li (courtesy, JUles of social hehavior). See ye
Ii (land measurcment), 427
Ii (units of families), 708, 739
Li An-chi, 142,655
Li-cheng, 708, 720, 739
Li-chi. See Book of Rites
Li Chi-fu, 615
Ii-chia. 720, 72 I
Li Chung, 648, 708
Li Iu-sung, 79, 85
Li Kou, 30 I, 302
Li K'uei, 691. 701, 703, 896, 918, 1124
Ii-lao, 721
Li Lin-fu, 596, 657, 11 14
li-ming, 152
Li Pi, 407
Li-pu. See Ministry of Personnel
Li-pu-ts'ao,64 8
Li-tsung, Emperor, 308, 309
Li Tzu-ch'cng, 99, 395
liang. See yang
Liang dynasty, 135
Liao dynasty, 5 I, 886, 903
Liao River, 591
Liao-tung, 77, 79, 698, 862, 872, 918, 919
lin, 708
Lin Chiung, 1090
Lin Hsiln, 279~80, 301, 302~3, 303~4, 305,
Ling, Emperor (Later Han). 648
Literary licentiate degree. See chinsa
Little Yun faction, ti2
Liu Chih, 140, 141, 651, 890~92, 900, 908
Liu Chih-chi, 619
Liu Hsiang-tao, 141,649
Liu Hsing-cha, 98
Liu I, 134, 1043
Liu, Mr. (commentator, Li-chi), 129
Liu Pa, 958
Liu-Sung dynasty, 887, 888, 908
Liu Ting, 85
LiuYen,3 02
Lo-cheng, 129
Lo Iu-fang, 72 I
Lo Shang-chih, 85
Local Archery Hall, 712,744
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