Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1
1254 INDEX

Middle School (Chunghak), 162, [74, 175,
177, 1046
"Middlemen," 62,)-]0, 685
Military: avoidance of service. 68. 76, 543;
capital guards. 503-8: cavalry, 47, 79,
426-27.444: Chinese systems. 405-10,
503,570: commissioners, 79. 512,677,
678; coup of 1170. 26: defeme, 46-47, 76,
79-82, 92-104, 529; deterioration of army,
77-78; duty soldiers, 4[8-19, 421-32, 457,
467-68,503,553,802, 1015; early Choson
period,28,4^6 -47, 75-91,404, 504; educa-
tion, 531-34; examinations, 35, 433: expan-
sion policies, 394-98; exemptions, 38, 76.
88,398,41 1,432,449,471,477; fortifica-
tions, 84.91. 524-30: grain provisions, 48,
86,90.455.521,689: guards units, 432-35,
461-65,5°3-8: guenilla warfare, 82:
incorporation of slaves. I'), 76. 88, 89,
226-28.231: Japancse policy. 77, 524, 529:
in KoryCl era. 26-27. 28, 410-12, 5°4: and
Manchu rule. 19, 394-98: military ban-
quets, 40 1.430-31: militia system, 46-47,
89,90,4°7- 8 ,4°9- 10 ,4[2-[3,4[6.43 1 ,
439,553,570: prebends, 342-43: recruit-
ment. 46-47, 76, 79, 82, 88, 90, 413-16,
42 9: registration, 397, 402, 41 5, 421. 449,
485: required service, 28, 38, 47, 68, 76,
342-43,473: retirement, 424-25, 443: river
defense, 87-88; Royal Division model,
4[6-20: salaries, 83'): "soldier land," 43,
44: supreme commander. 460-6 [; training,
85-86, ,)0.397-98.449,515-[6: troop
reduction. 454-56. 550: wcaknesses, [6,76,
79-80. 81-82, 88. 90-9 I. 398-404, 510-

  1. Scc also cilill'f:It'Wl system: Garrisons:
    Imjin War: Military Training Agency: Min-
    istry of War; Navy: Provinces; sog'o system:
    Slavcry: Weapons
    -Military financing: estimated expenses, 552;
    household cloth tax, 473-97, 1015; support
    taxes, 47, 68, 89, 398-99, 401,413,
    41 8-3[,439-4[,467,4 6 9-73,473-98,
    537,542-68,570,947-48,950,979; Yu's
    Hy6ngwon's plan, 537-39
    -Military reform, [9.20.28,76-78,85-91,
    4[3-41,449,5[9-21: military service sys-
    tem, 539-68: reorganization, 501-19:
    weapons and technology. 5 I 9-3 I; Yu
    Hyongw6n's plan. 444-46. 466-68, 474,
    498-500,501-36.541,545. 551 -5 8 ,
    569-77.101 1,1015.1016
    Military Academy, 398

Military Affairs Commission (Chungch'ubu),
Military colonies. See [unjon
Military expense lands (kunja/on). 430-3 I,
Military Provisions Granaries, 48. 689
Military Ration Agency (Kunhyangch'ong),
86,44 2
Military Stores Warehouse (Kunjach'ang), 624
Military Training Agency (Hullyon-dogam),
85,86,89,93,95,9 6 ,97,228,266,397,
928,975: military and support personnel,
470,472: weaknesses of, 452-54, 467; Yu
Hyongwon's plan for reorganization. 444-
-Special Cavalry Unit, Hully6n-byoltae
(Py6ltae), 403. 419. 420. 42 [.426,446-
Military Weapons Storehouse (Kun'gigo), 684
Militia system. Sec Military, militia system
mill, 17[,747
Min Chinhu, 540
Min Chinwon, 554, 933
Min Chongjung, 448, 464, 49[, 492, 496, 752,
809,925-26, 1065
Min Unghy6ng, 79[, 793
Min Ongsu, 973,974,976, 1000
Min Yujung, 464,465,482, 540. 808, 810,
m;ndun, 381
Ming dynasty: audiences. 604. 605; cash, 857,
860, 90[,902, 1009: cloth as tribute, 52:
clothing, 637-39: community compacts,
719-21; decline of. 77, 635, 98,': despo-
tism, 1004; economic principles, 9')6;
examination system, 33, 38, 144; fiscal
reform, 77: frontier defense, 77-78, 84,
510: government, 598, 615, 622, 623, 624,
633,635: government, local, 675, 677-78,
679,739: and Imjin War, 75, 77-78,79, 82,
83,85: influence in Korea, 227, 1008; and
Manchus, 19,93-94,98, 101-2; military
system, 4[0: prices. 9[8; salaries, 838: sil-
ver payments, 775-76, 779. 782; statecraft
writings, [010: taxes. 775-76: trade, 3[, 32,
53,55, 56, 857: tribute. 30 • 31. I I 1,779,
82[,873; in Yu HyClngwon's thought, 120,
Ming, Emperor (Wei). 83, ')8. 6[4, 885
Minhoe. Princess, 103
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