Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1
1258 INDEX

Office of Royalty and Rectitude, 585
Office of Sacrificial Animals, h44
Office of Special Counselors (Hongmun'g-
668,7 18 , Hh4,945, 110]
Office of Surveillance, 219
Office of the Royal Clan, 796
Office of the Supreme Commander, 98, 459
Office of 2,000 Picul Rank Officials, 648
Officer of summer, 647
Officer of the Banner and Tally (Kip'acgwan),
5[4,55 8 -59
Officials: and bribes, 826; and cost of cere-
monies, 83[-32; and family pedigree,
665-67; of local government, 675-80,
683-87, 739: performance of. 633-35;
personnel policies, 646-72: proliferation of,
6[ 3-15, 626; promolion and recruitment of,
[77-82, h42: ranking of. [77, h3[-32, 679:
recommendation, 202-4, 667-69; remon-
strance, 2 [X, 219, 618-19, 663: rewards and
punishments, 178-79: salaries, 835-45,
846: scholars, advanced, [77: terms of
office, 662-65: travel costs, 828-32, See
also Clerks; Government
aga chakt'ong, 445,478
agat'ong, 482, 732, 757, 758
Ogunyong, See Five Military Divisions
Ohacng yusa, 710
Ojang, 724
ojang, 834
ok, 869
Okcho, 822, 848
(5mjOksojihun, [98
Ongju (princess), I [ 12
Onin War ([467-77),75
op, 189, [97, 198
Original Faction (Wondang), 395
orinda, 373
Osa, [60, 784
Ou-yang Hsiu, 63, 300,407,408,409, 4[ I,
Outer Agency, 879
Outer Hall, 190, [96
Owi, See Five Guards
Owi toch'ongbu, See Five Guards Directorate
Oyong, 465
Oyongch'ong, Sec Royal Division
Oyonggun, See Royal Division

pa, [[ [[
Pa-tso,65 0

P'aeh'ong, 443, 1035
Pae Ikkyom, 7 [ 5
Pae Ki, 805-8
Pae Sanggyu, 8
Paek Munbo, 296
Paekche dynasty, I [7, 214, 666
paekchong, [[ [, 4 [ [
paekkol chingI' f), [[ 2
paekkum, 870
paeksong, [023
P'aengbae, [ 104
paengmi, 9 I7
Pai-Iu I'ung shu-yuan chieh-shih, [53
Pajin 'gun, 1104
P'aju,98 [
Pak Chega, 969, 983-85, 989-90, 991,993,
995, 996, 1000, 10 18
Pak Chi won, 359, 371, 991-95, 1000, [018
PakChonggun, 379, [086
Pak Chonghlli, Sec Park Chung-hec
Pak Hongjun, I 1 I
Pak Hongno, 682
Pak Hyosu, 146
Pak K wangsong, 566
Pak Kwon, 546, 547
Pak Kyusu, 997
Pak Munsu, 550, 566, 571, 970-71, 972, 973,
974-76,978, 1000
Pak Nouk, 358, 1066
Pak Sech'ae, 752
Pak Sedang, 482
Pak So, 396-97, 522
Pak Songsu, 244, 256-57
Pak Sun, 77, 718
Pak Sus in, 868-70
Pak T'aehang, 945-46
Pak Tansaeng, 56
p aksagwan, 132
Palace officials (Nei-shu-mi-shih), 596
Palace Pharmacy Hall (Naeyakkuk), 644
Palace Physicians' Court (Naeuiwon), 187,
62 3,784
I' all' (), 975
Pan Ku, 283
pall-liang, 881
pandang, 7[,343
pang,7 08 ,73h
Pang-cheng, 70S
Pang Saryang, 52, 904
panggun sup fl, 40 [
pangjon, 302,373
Pangjong, 736
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