A History Shared and Divided. East and West Germany Since the 1970s

(Rick Simeone) #1



Adenauer, Konrad, 74
Afghanistan, Soviet march into, 48,
74, 349, 508
arms race, 51, 65–66, 124, 359, 380
automatization, Chapter 5, 366,

Bach, Thomas, 509
Bahro, Rudolf, 64
Balibar, Etienne, 477
Baur, Jürgen, 530
Beck, Ulrich, 150, 293
Beckenbauer, Franz, 523
Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth, 293
Becker, Boris, 505
Bell, Daniel, 293, 351
Benneter, Klaus Uwe, 56
Berendonk, Brigitte, 503, 526–28
Berlin Wall, 6, 11, 24–25, 69, 74, 104,
149, 454, 469, 475, 476, 507, 515,
Bernal, John Desmond, 356–57
Beyer, Harm, 528
Beyer, Udo, 510
Biermann, Wolf, 1, 14, 64, 251, 454
BKA (Federal Criminal Police Offi ce),
Bohley, Bärbel, 50, 64, 74
Böll, Heinrich, 559
Bradley, Tom, 513
Brandt, Willy, 1, 14, 20, 47, 48, 51, 53,
56, 62, 68, 559. See also Ostpolitik
Braun, Sebastian, 530

BSE, 173, 175
Bundesbank (the German central
bank), 107–108, 120. See also
monetary policies

Calmund, Reiner, 520
Carter, Jimmy, 508
Castell, Manuel, 351
CDU (Christian Democratic Union of
Germany), 56–57, 70, 77, 79–82,
109, 175, 196, 203, 317, 401, 467,
472, 473, 558
Chernobyl, 21, 66, 1 50, 157, 166, 171,
362, 575. See also nuclear energy
Chile, 464–66
China, 49, 69, 73, 357, 471, 576
churches, 60–61, 67, 71, 77, 164,
560, 565
Club of Rome, 299, 309
coff ee crisis (1977), 16, 53, 305
COMECON (Council for Mutual
Economic Assistance), 117–18,
122–25, 252, 259, 296–98, 349–50,
362, 380, 396, 458–61
computer, 21–22, 258–264, 267–70,
278, Chapter 7
computer games, 354–55,
hacker, 360, 375
Confi no, Alon, 469
consumption, 105, 114, Chapter 6
cars, 309–312, 355
clothing, 305–09
critique of, 70, 169–70, 299
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