The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

E. Lourie, Crusade and Colonisation. Muslims, Christians and
Jews in medieval Aragon (Aldershot, 1990).
T.N. Bisson, Medieval France and its Pyrenean neighbours. Studies
in early institutional history (London, 1989).
David Abulafia, A Mediterranean Emporium. The Catalan King-
dom of Majorca (Cambridge, 1994).
T. Glick, From Muslim fortress to Christian castle. Social and cul-
tural change in medieval Spain (Manchester, 1995).
P. Guichard, Les musulmans de Valence et la reconquete, Xle-
Xllle siecles, 2 vols (Damascus, 1990-91).
R.I. Burns, 'Muslims in the thirteenth-century realms of
Aragon: interaction and reaction', in J.M. Powell, ed.,
Muslims under Latin rule (Princeton, NJ, 1990), pp. 57-
102; Medieval Colonialism. Postcrusade exploitation of Islamic
Valencia (Princeton, NJ, 1975); Muslims, Christians and jews
in the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia. Societies in symbiosis (Cam-
bridge, 1984); Diplomatarium ofthe Crusader Kingdom ofVal-
encia, vol. 1, Society and Documentation in Crusader Valencia
(Princeton, NJ, 1985), among the many distinguished
works of Fr Burns.
R.I. Burns, jews in the Notarial Culture. Latinate wills in Medi-
terranean Spain 1250-1350 (Berkeley/Los Angeles, 1996).
L.P. Harvey, Islamic Spain,^1250 to^1500 (Chicago, 1991).
]. Cohen, The friars and the Jews (Ithaca, NY, 1982), to be
complemented by:
R. Chazan, Daggers of Faith. Thirteenth-century Christian mission-
izing and jewish response (Berkeley /Los Angeles, 1989), and
by R. Chazan, Barcelona and Beyond. The disputation of^1263
and its aftermath (Berkeley /Los Angeles, 1992).
David Abulafia, 'Catalan merchants and the western Medi-
terranean, 1236-1300: studies in the notarial acts of Bar-
celona and Sicily', Viator: medieval and Renaissance Studies,
16 (1985), pp. 209-42 [ISM].
A.B. Hibbert, 'Catalan Consulates in the thirteenth century',
Cambridge Historical Journal, 9 ( 1949), pp. 352-8.
M. Riu, 'The woollen industry in Catalonia in the later Middle
Ages', in N.G. Harte, KG. Panting, eds, Cloth and clothing
in medieval Europe. Essays in memory of E.M. Carus-Wilson
(London, 1983), pp. 205-29.
M. Riu, 'Banking and society in late medieval and early
modern Aragon', The Dawn of Modern Banking, ed. by
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University

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