The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

of California, Los Angeles (New Haven, Conn., 1979),
pp. 131-67.
C. E. Dufourcq, L 1bbie chretienne et le Maghreb, Xlle-XVe siecles
(London, 1990), for a selection of the research of a not-
able scholar.
C.E. Dufourcg, La vie quotidienne dans les ports mediterraneens
au Moyen Age (Paris, 1975), for an overview based on a
close reading of the sources.
David Abulafia and Blanca Gari, eds, En las costas del Mediter-
nineo occidental (Barcelona, 1997), for studies of Barcelona,
Perpignan, Valencia, Almeria, etc.

The rise of the Angevins, 1266-1309

S. Runciman, The Sicilian Vespers. A history of the Mediterranean
world in the thirteenth century (Cambridge, 1958).
P. Herde, Karl I. von Anjou (Stuttgart, 1979).
G. Galasso, Il Regno di Napoli. Il Mezzogiorno angioino e aragonese
(1266-1494) (UTET Storia d'Italia, Turin, 1992) is a mass-
ive survey of all aspects of the history of southern Italy,
political, social and economic.
L. Cadier, Essai sur ['administration du Royaume angevin de
Sicile (Paris, 1891); new Italian ed. prepared by F. Giunta,
L'amministrazione della Sicilia angioina (Palermo, 1974).
N. Housley, The Italian Crusades. The papal-Angevin alliance
and the Crusades against Christian lay powers, 1254-1343
(Oxford, 1982).
E. Jordan, Les origines de la domination angevine en Italie (Paris,
, 1909; repr. in 2 vols, New York, 1960).
E. Leonard, Les Angevins de Naples (Paris, 1954); Italian edi-
tion, Gli Angioini di Napoli (Milan, 1967).
D.M. Nicol, 'The relations of Charles of Anjou with
Nikephoros of Epiros', Byzantinische Forschungen,^4 (1972)
is invaluable.
A. Ducellier, La ja(:ade maritime de l'Albanie au Moyen Age.
Durazzo et Valona du Xle au XVe siecle (Thessalonika, 1981)
is invaluable.
DJ. Geanakoplos, Michael VIII Palaeologus and the West, 1258-
1282 (Cambridge, MA, 1959).
H. Wieruszowski, Politics and Culture in medieval Spain and
Italy (Rome, 1971).
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