The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

L. Catalioto, Terre, baroni e citta in Sicilia nell'eta di Carlo I
d'Angio (Messina, 1995).
W. Percy, The revenues of the Kingdom of Sicily under Charles I
of Anjou, 1266-1285, and their relationship to the Vespers (repr.
from Princeton doctoral dissertation, 1964, by University
H. Brese, Politique et societe en Sicile, XIIe-XVe siecles (Aldershot,
H. Brese, Un monde mediterraneen. Economie et societe en Sicile,
1300-1450, 2 vols (Rome/Palermo, 1986).
G. Yver, Le commerce et les marchands dans l'Italie meridionale
(Paris, 1903).
David Abulafia, 'Southern Italy and the Florentine economy,
1265-1370', Economic History Review, ser. 2, vol. 33 (1981),
pp. 377-88 [ISM].
S.R. Epstein, An island for itself Economic development and social
change in late medieval Sicily (Cam bridge, 1992).
T.S.R. Boase, Boniface VIII (London, 1933).
David Abulafia, 'Monarchs and minorities in the medi-
eval Mediterranean c.l300: Lucera and its analogues', in
P. Diehl and S. Waugh, eds, Christendom and its discontents.
Exclusion, persecution and rebellion, 1000-1500 (Cambridge,
1996)' pp. 234-63.
David Abulafia, 'The merchants of Messina: Levant trade
and domestic economy', Papers of the British School at Rome,
54 (1986), pp. 196-212 [CCM].
M.R. Toynbee, StLouis of Toulouse (Manchester, 1929).

Catalonia-Aragon in the fourteenth century

In addition to the general works by Bisson and Hillgarth
already cited, see:

M. McVaugh, Medicine before the plague. Practitioners and their
patients in the Crown of Aragon 1285-134 5 (Cambridge,
C. Backman, The decline and fall of medieval Sicily. Politics,
religion and economy in the reign of Frederick III, 1296-1337
(Cambridge, 1995).
David Abulafia, 'The Aragonese kingdom of Albania. An
Angevin project of 1311-16', Mediterranean Historical Review,
vol. 10 ( 1995), repr. as Intercultural contacts in the medieval

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