The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

References for Quotations 797

XV. Julian P. Boyd, ed., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, XV (1958), 269; H. Carré, La noblesse de
France et l ’opinion publique au 18 e siècle (Paris, 1920), 365.

XVI. J. Mallet du Pan, Considérations sur la nature de la Révolution de France, et sur les causes qui en
prolongent la durée (London and Brussels, 1793), V.

XVII. A. von Arneth, ed., Die Relationen der Botschafter Venedigs über Österreich im achtzehnten
Jahrhundert, in Fontes rerum austriacarum, Pt. II, Vol. 22 (Vienna, 1863), 340.

XVIII. This and other letters by “A Calm Observer,” first published in the Morning Chronicle,
were reprinted as a book under the same pseudonym by Benjamin Vaughan as Letters on the
subject of a concert of princes and the dismemberment of Poland and France (London, 1793); see p. 260
of the second edition.

XIX. “Rapport sur les principes du gouvernement révolutionnaire, 5— nivôse An II, 25 décembre
1793” in C. Vellay, Discours et rapports de Robespierre (Paris, 1908), 311– 12.

XX. Letter in Latin from Szulyovsky to Hajnotzy in K. Benda, A magyar jakobinus mozgalom
iratai, 3 vols. (Budapest, 1952– 1957), I, 1066; P. K. Alefirenko in Istoricheskiye Zapiski (1947),
236; Thomas Campbell, The Pleasures of Hope, with Other Poems (7th ed., London, 1803), 28.

XXI. H. T. Colenbrander, ed., Gedenkstukken der algemeene geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795
tot 1840 (The Hague, 1906), II, 493– 94.

XXII. Comte Reynaud de Montlosier, Des effets de la violence et de la modération dans les affaires de
la France (London, 1796), 33.

XXIII. J. Mallet du Pan, Correspondance politique pour servir à l ’histoire du républicanisme français
(Hamburg, 1796), p. vi of avant- propos and p. xv of text.

XIV. Giuseppe Poggi in his paper, the Estensore cisalpino, as quoted by E. Rota in Nuova rivista
storica, VII (1923), 246.

XX V. Raccolta degli editti, proclami, avvisi ecc. pubblicati in Milano dal 7 maggio 1796 in avanti, 18
vols. (Milan, 1796– 1799), VII, 475– 76.

XXVI. G. Steiner, ed., Korrespondenz des Peter Ochs, 3 vols. (Basel, 1927– 1937), II, 275; The
Dispatches and Letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, 7 vols. (London, 1845), III, 194.

XXVII. G. Pallain, ed., Le ministère de Talleyrand sous le Directoire: correspondance diplomatique
(Paris, 1891), 394.

XXVIII. Steiner, Ochs, II, 220.

XXIX. “Was hat der rechtschaffene Mann in Zeitläufen zu tun wie die unsrigen sind?” von Herrn
Professor Rickfels in Deutsches Magazin, Altona ( January 1798), 10.

XXX. W. A. Knight, ed., Letters of the Wordsworth Family, 3 vols. (London, 1907), I, 68; Countess
of Minto, ed., Life and Letters of Sir Gilbert Elliot First Earl of Minto, 3 vols. (London, 1874), II,
129– 130.

XXXI. “Extracts from an oration delivered by Elihu Palmer, 4 July 1793,” in Political Miscellany
(New York, 1793), 23; H. C. Lodge, ed., Life and Letters of George Cabot (Boston, 1877), 173; C.
F. Adams, ed., Letters of John Adams Addressed to his Wife, 2 vols. (Boston, 1848), II, 252.

XXXII. J. Mallet du Pan, The British Mercury, or Historical and critical views of the events of the
present times, 5 vols. (London, 1799– 1800), III, 472– 73 (August 15, 1799); Oeuvres du comte P.- L.
Roederer, 8 vols. (Paris, 1854), III, 332 (conversation with Bonaparte, August 2, 1800); H. R.
Yorke, Letters from France in 1802, 2 vols. (London, 1804), II, 342 (conversation with Paine).

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