The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

836 Index

Gustavus III (cont.)
77; assassination of, 302, 478; attack of on
factionalism, 77; attack of on the nobility,
302; fantastic plan of to invade France and
end the French Revolution, 301; military
ambitions of, 300; resistance of the nobility
to, 301

Haag, H., 266n47
Hainaut, Estates of, 261
Haiti, 623; abolishment of slavery in, 749
Hajnoczy, Joseph, 498, 499
Hamburg, 693; sympathy for the French Rev-
olution in, 693
Hamilton, Alexander, 142, 227, 416, 453, 511,
616, 632, 650, 654, 747, 754–55, 757, 759;
dislike of Virginia, 767; as an honorary
French citizen, 416; loathing of for the
French Revolution, 756, 757; on relations
with England, 763; as a revolutionary, 756
Hamilton, Emma, 656, 660
Hamilton, William, 654
Hanover, 59
Hapsburg Empire, 78, 114, 257, 284, 579; agi-
tations in, 490–95; collapse of, 343–44;
conflict between the monarchy and the diet
of, 78–82; conflict with the duchy of Milan,
78, 80, 81; conservatism in, 491; cultural
and political characteristics of, 490; dissat-
isfaction among burghers and peasants in,
491; fundamental issues underlying consti-
tutional and political argument in, 102; Ja-
cobin conspiracies in, 491; political dissatis-
faction among Hapsburg countries, 491;
restoration of, 26; taxation tensions in after
the Seven Years’ War, 79; views of the
French Revolution in, 496
Hardy, Thomas, 720, 725
Harris, James, 24, 255, 256n25
Hartz, Louis, 176, 757
Hastings, Warren, 233
Hasty Pudding (Barlow), 420
Hebenstreit, Franz, 497
Hébert, Jacques, 408, 416, 456, 462; criticism
of, 698; death of, 464
Hébertism, 553
Hegel, G. W. F., 31, 237, 328, 330, 684, 701,
793; view of the world as a succession of
historical stages, 702
Held, Karl, 466, 497

Helvetic Directory, 671, 676, 681, 682
Helvetic Republic, 7, 16, 180, 270, 482, 579,
607, 612, 615, 619; constitution of, 664,
668, 670, 674–76, 679–81; constitution of
as the Höllenbuchlein (“little hell book”),
674; coups d’état in, 674; development of
the Helvetic army, 682; and French foreign
policy, 674; internal stresses in, 678–83; or-
ganization of, 669
Helvetius, 14
Henry, Patrick, 763
Henry IV (king of France), 32
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 684, 701
Hertzberg, Ewald Friedrich, 439–40
High Mightinesses the Estates General of the
United Provinces, 31
His, Eduard, 683
Historisches Journal, 140, 705, 711, 771n42
History of the Dispute with America ( J. Adams),
Hoche, Lazare, 618, 619
Hoffman, A. J., 695, 696, 699
Hoffmann, L. A., 495, 562, 706
Holdsworth, W. S., 60
Holland (Dutch Netherlands), 7, 13, 55, 118,
139, 166–67, 180, 185, 244, 366, 371, 385,
396, 412; annexation of by Napoleon, 511;
conflicts with Great Britain, 709; democ-
racy in, 15; Estates General of, 31, 135,
245, 247, 248, 252; high rates of taxation
in, 115, 118; Jews in, 522; regents of, 24, 31;
return of revolutionary exiles to, 435; revo-
lution in, 7, 271, 358, 378, 511; structure of
government in, 31, 167; support of Irish
revolution in, 693; view of the French an-
nexation of Belgium, 511, 586; war with
France, 386. See also Dutch Patriots; United
Holland, revolution of (1794–1795), 508–13;
and the Catholic clergy, 639; composite
view of Dutch revolutionaries, 413, 420;
and the frustration of the conciliators, 513–
17; and the National Convention to de-
velop a constitution, 505, 519; and the oc-
cupation of Holland by the French, 6510,
513; and the retreat of the British army
from Holland, 512; role of the Orangists
in, 355, 512, 314, 517, 521, 525; role of the
political clubs and Jacobins in, 423, 427,

  1. See also Batavian Republic

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