The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 837

Holy Roman Empire, 23, 30, 316, 469, 603;
numerous states of on the Left Bank of the
Rhine, 617
Hopkinson, Joseph, 623, 763, 770
House of Orange, 243, 247, 248, 251, 252,
254, 269, 429
House of Savoy. See Savoy/House of Savoy
Humbert, Jean Joseph Amable, 622, 741, 743
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 700
Hungary, 7, 22–26, 55, 61, 64, 114, 115, 259,
280, 281, 284, 378, 623; class struggle in,
296; constitution of, 287; constitutional is-
sues in, 287, 291; end of the central diet in,
280; importance of St. Stephen’s crown as
an emblem of Hungarian nationality in,
281; Jacobin conspiracies at, 496–502; re-
bellion in (1790), 491; revolution in, 10,
287, 289, 499; state assemblies/diets of, 23,
26; Westernization in, 498
Hutchinson, Thomas, 131, 151
Huygens, Christiaan, 510

I Romani nell Grecia (Barzoni), 609
Idées républicaines (Voltaire), 10, 105n31
Il Risorgimento della oppresa democratia, 605
Illuminati, 495, 561; in Bavaria, 559; in Ger-
many, 562n43, 687, 694, 706
Imola, 17
India, 130
industrialization, 52
institutional uniformity, 22, 23; constituted
bodies as “orders” or “estates,” 23
intermarriage, among the upper classes of Eu-
rope, 475
International Commission for the History of
State Assemblies, 23
international/world revolutionism, 412–43
passim, 412n11; and “foreign” revolutionar-
ies, 414, 420, 569; and the French Revolu-
tion, 412, 582, 626, 628; reaction against,
458–66; role of propaganda in, 413,
414n19; and twentieth- century interna-
tional communism, 413
Ionian Islands, 502
Ireland, 7, 10, 20, 22, 106, 112, 223, 236n34,
243, 248, 275, 277, 371, 378, 387, 393, 556,
710; and the Anglo- Irish, 124; arming of,
216–221; and the Catholic clergy’s view of
revolution, 640; Catholic population of
(1770s), 216, 734; conflict between Presby-

terians and Catholics in, 735–36; effect of
the American Revolution on, 124; parlia-
mentary disturbances in, 139; population of
(1770s), 216; possible invasion of by France
during the American Revolution, 155–56;
prevalence of the Counter Revolution in,
743; republicanism in, 744; types of religion
in, 735–36; underground violence in, 218.
See also “Grattan’s Parliament”; Ireland, rev-
olution in (1798); Irish Parliament
Ireland, revolution in (1798), 734–44 passim;
appearance of the clergy in the ranks of the
rebels, 742; attempted interventions in sup-
port of by France and Holland, 739; brutal
repression of by the English, 742, 743; and
the Catholic Committee of Dublin, 737;
and the endemic nature of unrest in Ire-
land, 736–37; and the number of British
troops in Ireland, 734, 734–35n48; as an
unsuccessful revolution, 734–44. See also
United Irish Society of Dublin (United
Irish Octennial Act (1768), 124
Irish Parliament, 23, 38, 124–25, 216, 217,
236n34, 735; desire of for emancipation
from the British Parliament, 216; emanci-
pation of from the British Parliament, 216–
17; as representative of the Anglican and
Anglo- Irish community, 217. See also
“Grattan’s Parliament”
Irish peerage, as a creation of the British
crown, 55
Irish Volunteers, 128, 218, 223; Grand Na-
tional Convention (1783) of, 228; refusal of
to disband, 220–21; total armed strength of
(1782), 219
Iselin, Isaac, 272
Italian Risorgimento, 590, 598
Italy, 7, 283, 329, 387, 391, 392, 521, 608, 610;
affinity of for the American Revolution,
595; anti- French feeling in, 613, 662;
Austro- Russian occupation of, 595n9; the
Catholic Church in, 606; conservatism in,
582; economy of, 580; Fascism in, 578;
French occupation of, 581; geographical
and social mobility in, 580; Jansenism in,
581; “looting” of Italy by the French, 594,
594n6; pertinent historical works related
to, 578–79nn29–31; provisional govern-
ments in, 593; relationship of the nobility
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