The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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  1. Alvares,Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy, 178.

  2. Ibid., 304 – 307.

  3. Ibid., 104.

  4. Ibid., 350.

  5. Beckingham, “Some Early Travels in Arabia,” 167.

  6. See Garcı ́a-Arenal,A Man of Three Worlds.

  7. Eliav-Feldon, “Invented Identities.”

  8. Rogers,Quest for Eastern Christians, 20 – 21.

  9. Russell-Wood,The Portuguese Empire, 21 – 21.

  10. Ibid., 13 – 14.

  11. Alvares,Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy, 171 , 183 , 239 – 240 , 350 – 353 , 390 – 393.

  12. It wasn’t printed until 1586 , and is also known asItinera Mundi, in its Latin
    rendition by Thomas Hyde.

  13. Farissol,Igeret Orhot ‘Olam, 1. I am using here the first edition of the text from
    Venice ( 1586 ) as well as Thomas Hyde’s bilingual Hebrew/Latin edition from 1691.
    Hyde,Igeret Orhot ‘Olam, id est, Itinera Mundi, sic Dicta Nempe Cosmographia,xx
    (hereafter,Itinera mundi).

  14. Ruderman,World of a Renaissance Jew, 131 – 143.
    72 .Raz-Krakotzkin,TheCensor.

  15. Farissol,Igeret Orhot ‘Olam, 2 ; Hyde,Itinera mundi, xx.

  16. Farissol,Igeret Orhot ‘Olam, title page.

  17. Headley, “Sixteenth-Century Venetian Celebration.”

  18. Ruderman,World of a Renaissance Jew, 136.

  19. Farissol,Igeret Orhot ‘Olam, 15 ; Hyde,Itinera Mundi, 110.

  20. Farissol,Igeret Orhot ‘Olam, 16 ; Hyde,Itinera Mundi, 115.

  21. Gans,Sefer Tsemah David, 48.

  22. Rossi,Sefer Me’or ‘Enayim, 189 – 195.

  23. Gans,Sefer Tsemah David, 48 – 49. See also Neher,Jewish Thought, 145.

  24. Neher,Jewish Thought, 135 – 147.


1 .Or 1648 ; dating is unclear.
2. On the history of Portuguese/Sephardic Jews in the early modern Atlantic
world and in particular their connection to Brazil and to Amsterdam, see Israel,The
Dutch Republic;and Israel,Diasporas within a Diaspora, 97 – 125.
3. For the background of the publication of the story in Amsterdam, see Me ́-
choulan and Nahon, “Introduction,” in Ben-Israel,Hope of Israel( 1987 ), 1 – 97.
4. The original runs as follows: “yo soy Hebreo del Tribo de Levi mi dios es Adonay
[Hebrew, My Lord] y todo lo demas es engan ̃o.” Ben-Israel,Orı ́gen de los Americanos, 4.
The book was published in 1650 in Spanish, Latin, and Hebrew. It was translated into
English that year as well. Here, I am using the Spanish version of the book.
5. Ben-Israel,Orı ́gen de los Americanos, 9.
6. Ibid., 10 – 12.

NOTES TO PAGES 127 – 137 243

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