The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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  1. Hamilton,Apocryphal Apocalypse, 31 – 65.

  2. Ibid., 216.

  3. For an overview, see Kamen,Spain’s Road to Empire, 3 – 150.

  4. See Greenblatt,Marvelous Possessions;and Ryan, “Assimilating New Worlds.”

  5. For a history of the Catholic Church in colonial Latin America, see
    Greenleaf,Roman Catholic Church. See also Gonza ́lez and Gonza ́lez,Christianity in
    Latin America.

  6. Romm, “Biblical History and the Americas.” For a comprehensive study of all
    explorations, see Silverberg,Golden Dream.

  7. Raleigh,Discovery of the Large... Empire.

  8. For a brief account of Ponce de Leo ́n, see Ferna ́ndez-Armesto,Pathfinders, 193 –

  9. On de Orellana, see Smith,Explorers of the Amazon, 39 – 89 ; and Silverberg,Golden
    Dream, 144 – 157.

  10. Pagden,Peoples and Empires, 115 – 116.

  11. Cited in Kadir,Columbus, 146.

  12. Columbus,Book of Prophecies, 270 – 277.

  13. Delaney, “Columbus’s Ultimate Goal,” 271.

  14. Ibid., 287.
    20 .Rusconi, “Introduction,” in Columbus,Bookof Prophecies, 7.

  15. Watts, “Prophecy and Discovery,” 94.

  16. Ibid., 102.

  17. Yeager, “Siege of Jerusalem,” 92 and n. 45.

  18. Columbus,Book of Prophecies, 336 – 347 ; Isaiah 11 is quoted on 339. See the
    scholarly editor’s comment on this issue on 27 – 28.

  19. Kadir,Columbus, 137 and throughout.

  20. Hamilton,Apocryphal Apocalypse, 28 – 30.

  21. Kadir,Columbus, 140.

  22. Ibid., 142.

  23. Ibid., 179 – 192.

  24. Columbus,Select Letters, 143 , 163. See also Kadir,Columbus, 141.

  25. Vespucci,Mundus Novus.

  26. Columbus,Select Letters, 106 , 108 , 130. Flint suggests that the ten tribes were
    part of the “imaginative landscape” of Columbus as coming from the “end of east,” as
    part of the medieval legacy that Columbus inherited. This makes sense, but there is no
    specific evidence for this in his writings. See Flint,Imaginative Landscape, 12 – 14.
    33 .Parfitt,Lost Tribes of Israel, 91 – 114.

  27. Greenblatt,Marvelous Possessions, 12 – 13.

  28. Quoted from Penn’s 1682 diary in Weems,Life of William Penn, 174. On the
    topic of the Jewish Indian Theory, see Popkin, “Rise and Fall”; see also, for example,
    Sanders,Lost Tribes. For a brilliant discussion of political aspects of the theory, see Katz,
    “Israel in America.”

  29. Popkin, “Rise and Fall,” 64.

  30. Seed, “Are These Not Also Men?”

  31. See, for example, Livingstone,Preadamite Theory.

244 NOTES TO PAGES 138 – 142

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