The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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  1. Ben-Israel,Conciliator.

  2. On Vossius, a friend of Ben-Israel, and the father of Conciliador’s translator,
    and his irenism, see Rademaker,Life and Work.

  3. Ben-Israel,Hope of Israel( 1650 ), A 5.

  4. Ben-Israel, “To the Courteous Reader,”Hope of Israel( 1650 ), A 12.

  5. See the complete list in Ben-Israel,Orı ́gen de los Americanos, xxxxix–liii;
    and in the English version ofHope of Israel, 1 – 3. On Dei Rossi and ha-Kohen, see
    Yerushalmi,Zakhor, 53 – 76.

  6. Ben-Israel, “To the Courteous Reader,”Hope of Israel( 1650 ), A 12.

  7. Ben-Israel,Hope of Israel( 1650 ), 40.

  8. Ibid., 21.

  9. Ibid., 36.

  10. Ibid., 41.

  11. I borrow the term “irenicon” from Adam Nicolson’sGod’s Secretaries, 66.

  12. Ben-Israel,Hope of Israel( 1650 ), 83 – 84.

  13. Thorowgood et al.,Digitus Dei, title page.

  14. David Katz exposes this best. See Katz, “Israel in America.”

  15. Kidd,Forging of Races, 61 – 63.
    61 .Crawford,An Essay, 3.

  16. The song was printed on a leaflet of Trinity Church, Richmond, Virginia, and
    was sung “to the tune of Star in [the] East,” on July 1 , 1832. On Livermore, see Brekus,
    “Harriet Livermore.”

  17. Popkin, “Rise and Fall.”

  18. See Silverberg,Mound Builders.

  19. Boudinot,Star in the West, 29 – 30.

  20. Ibid., 117.

  21. Simon,Ten Tribes of Israel.

  22. Urban,Gentleman’s Magazine, 537 – 538 (this specific issue was published in
    February 1837 ). On Kingsborough’s search for the ten tribes, see Wauchope,Lost Tribes,
    50 – 69 ; Goodkind, “Lord Kingsborough.”

  23. Kingsborough,Antiquities, 25 – 26.

  24. Simon,Ten Tribes of Israel, 366 – 367.

  25. Smith,View of the Hebrews. On Rafinesque, see Warren,Constantine Samuel
    Rafinesque. See also his own account of his global travels in Rafinesque,A Life of Travels.

  26. Rafinesque, “The American Nations.”

  27. For a relevant evaluation of Mormonism, see Kidd,Forging of Races, 226 – 237.

  28. Ibid., 228.

  29. Cited in Brough,Lost Tribes, 65. On Pratt, see England,Life and Thought.
    76 .Citedin Brough,Lost Tribes, 50.

  30. A recent example is the Australian geneticist Simon Southerton, a former
    active Mormon for thirty years. This time using DNA as evidence, Southerton offers a
    meticulous critique of the sacred Mormon texts in order to refute central Mormon
    claims about the migration to America. So far, his claims do not seem to have hurt
    Mormonism. Southerton,Losing a Lost Tribe.

250 NOTES TO PAGES 177 – 187

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