The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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  1. Hine,Seventeen Positive Identifications;Hine,The English Nation Identified;
    Hine,Forty-Seven Identifications of the British Nation.

  2. Poole,Anglo-Israel( 1879 ); and Poole,Anglo-Israel( 1889 ).

  3. Hine, “Preface to the New Edition,”Forty-Seven Identifications( 1878 ), iii.

  4. Whale, “Art of Conversation,” 7.

  5. Carpenter,Biblical Companion.

  6. Carpenter,Israelites Found, 28. More than a century later, E. Raymond Capt did
    the same type of scholarship, basing his studies on Assyrian tablets. Capt,Missing
    Links Discovered.

  7. Hine,Forty-Seven Identifications( 1871 ), 10 – 11. A more geographically informed
    argument is found in Carpenter,Israelites Found, 40 – 44.

  8. Oxonian,Israel’s Wanderings, 4 – 5.

  9. See Olender,Languages of Paradise.

  10. Oxonian,Israel’s Wanderings, 9 – 24.

  11. Ibid., 45.

  12. Ibid., 4.

  13. Wild,Lost Ten Tribes,xv.

  14. Oxonian,Israel’s Wanderings, 130.

  15. See, for example, Mackendrick,Destiny of America;Rutherford,Anglo-Saxon
    Israel.For one attempt to replicate the same relationship in England and Scotland, see
    Grimaldi,Manasseh in Scotland.

  16. Collins,“Lost” Ten Tribes of Israel.


  1. On that globality, see Nussbaum,Global Eighteenth Century, 1 – 20.

  2. Ortelius,An Epitome of Ortelius.

  3. Urban,Gentleman’s Magazine, 671 – 675.

  4. See the impressive list of their subscribers in Churchill,Collection of Voyages,
    4 – 7.

  5. This is similar to the rise of the philosophy of immanence as developed by
    Giordano Bruno ( 1548 – 1600 ) and Baruch Spinoza ( 1632 – 1677 ).

  6. Milton,Paradise Regained,inPoetical Works, 610.

  7. Pedro Lozano ( 1697 – 1752 ) summarized these positions in the early eigh-
    teenth century. Lozano,Historia de la Conquista, 363 – 377. See also, for all Spanish
    positions,Isagoge Histo ́rico Apologe ́tico, 16 – 20 , 59 – 154 ; Medina,Los Aborı ́genes de Chile,
    65 – 66 ; Prince,Origen de los Indios, 79 , 114 – 115 , 136 – 138.

  8. Ballantyne, “Empire,” 122 – 123.
    9 .Beasley,Empire, 136.
    10 .Heber and Heber,Life of Reginald Heber, 112.

  9. London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, “Extract from
    the Report of the Committee of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst
    the Jews with Dr. Buchanan’s Speech as to the State of the Jews in the East.” Reprinted
    in Buchanan,Works, 36. For Buchanan’s inquiries, see 144 – 152.

252 NOTES TO PAGES 193 – 204

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