Living in the Ottoman Realm. Empire and Identity, 13th to 20th Centuries

(Grace) #1


Jerusalem, 9–10, 15, 93, 97, 123–136, 196, 286, 300,
312–318, 321
Jews: and Abdülmecid, 262, 264–265; as al-Qa-
ramani’s business contacts, 145–146; Arab, 3;
Ashkenazi, 313; and beards, 219; as borrowers,
146; and clothing restrictions, 195; Eastern,
312; European, 119; immigrant, 317; in Israel,
312; as Janissaries, 179; in Jerusalem, 126, 128,
133–135, 314; laws against, 202; massacres of,
196; Ottoman, 312, 315, 317, 319–321; Sephardic,
3, 313
Jidda, 228, 235
jihad, 77, 103
John V, 44

kadi, 48, 133, 135, 177, 183, 202–204, 206
Kadizadeli ulema, 12, 194–196, 200, 202–203,
kalām argumentation, 99–100, 103
Kantakouzenos, John, 63
Kanuni (Süleyman), 91, 106, 151
Kara Ahmed Pasha, 159
Karaman, 8, 57, 66–67, 70, 80, 82–83, 100, 110,
140; Karamanids, 66–68, 70–71, 80–81, 83
Karamani, Habib-i, 8, 79–89, 90n5
Kastamonu, 35
Katib Çelebi, 180
Kayseri, 14, 75, 82, 145, 297
Kazak, 117
Kemālpaşazāde, 99–100. See also Ibn-i Kemal
Keykubad, Alaeddin, 31
Khatchadourian, Sahag, 292–294
Kitab-i Müstetab, 178–179
঱ızılbaş, 101–102, 119
Kızılhisar, 110
Koçi Bey, 163, 179–180
Konya, 17, 67, 83–86, 88–89
Köprülu era, 194
঱orলud, 103
Kösem Sultan, 194, 198–202, 206, 229
Kostantiniyye, 113
Kritoboulos, 57, 58
Kubakib river, 34
Kuçuk Mehmed Agha, 201
Kurds, 146

Lala Süleyman Agha, 200–202
Lambros, Spyridon, 301
Lapidus, Ira, 139
Larende, 140, 145–146
law court records, 138, 141

Lazar, 59
Lazarević, Stefan, 57
legacy: of al-Qaramani, 138, 140, 141; Byzan-
tine, 29; of frontier lore, 32; Greek, 274; of Ibn
ɇArabī, 103, 105; Islamic, 277, 278, 281; mosque
and school as, 147; of mudāraba, 144–145;
Muslim, 276, 277; Ottoman, 97, 257, 259, 276,
277, 278, 281; of Ottoman-Karamanid con-
frontation, 67; of Ottoman Muslims, 13–14,
275; Roman, 38; of scholars, 277, 281; of science
contributions, 273; of Yehoshuɇa Yellin, 316
Lesbos, 5, 57, 63
Levni, 232, 233, 234, 237
Liber Insularum Archipelogi (Cristoforo Buon-
delmonti), 50–51
Livadarios, Calojane, 45
Lomellino, Angelo Giovanni, 50
Louis XV, 211–213
Lowry, Heath, 56
Lütfi Pasha, 173, 175
Luther, Martin, 98

Macedonia, 3, 304–305
madrasas, 80–81, 91, 99–100, 115–116, 127, 130,
158, 174–175
magnifica communità di Pera (council of Pera),
44, 48
Mahidevran, 152–153
Mahmud I, 210
Mahmud II, 255, 260–262, 267
Mahmud Pasha Angelović, 8, 19, 55–61, 63–64,
71, 76–77
Malatya (Melitene), 31–32, 34, 38, 109
Malta, 163
Mamluks: buildings by, 130; challenges to Ot-
toman rule by, 70, 112–113; defeat of, 91, 114,
123, 127, 133, 137–140, 147; in Egypt, 95; in Je-
rusalem, 123, 126; leaders of, 115, 125, 129, 139;
Mamluk Empire, 67, 97; and Muslims, 134;
territories of, 10, 92, 93, 121
mamluks (elite military slaves), 236
Maɇmuriyye, 34–35
Manisa, 45, 152
Mankuriya, 35
Maraş (Germaniceia), 32, 109–110, 112, 118, 145
Mardin, 111
Marj Dabiq, battle of, 114, 123
Maroudia, 241
marriage, 69, 102, 145, 196, 241, 313; arranged, 82,
154, 182–183; and women, 11–12, 85, 169, 185–190
masâkîn, 25–26
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