Dear AskUs Anything,
I have a few questions about the
new update and textures that I
hope you'll in clude in your mag.
- On the Pocket Edition, is there
anyway to getthe old textures
back on my worlds?
- Why when I'm on Peacefulare
there still sh ulkers in my world as
they're considered a mob?
- On a treasure map, does the X
move because I always seem to be
on top of it andwhen I look again
I'm way off?
- Other then dinnerbone and
toast, which names change
the appearance
of animals?
- Is it possible to
switch versions of
the game on the
PE Edition?
If you can answers
these questions, I'll
be very happy. Also,
the new bunny added
to the game looks
IDENTICAL to my pet
in real life!
Tilly, Age 10
Hi Tilly!
Sorry we had to
lose a few questions
for space, but here
are answers to the
ones we did have
room for!
Sadly not by
default, but
maybe someone
will release the
oldtextures as a
resource pack you can add!
We’re not sure why, but at least they
don’t attack you!
When you get close, the map’s zoom
level changes, so yes it might look like
the X has moved but really you’ve just
zoomed into it!
There are three more names you can
add to mobs: Grumm – does the same as
Dinnerbone (turns any mob upside down);
jeb_ -makes asheep cycle through
all wool colours; Johnny – makes
a vindicator attack other mobs
(except illagers)
Unfortunately not!
Thanks again Tilly!
Shulkers stick
Peaceful mode
Sheep called
jeb_ change