I’m Ollie andI’m 11
years old. I drew Steve
protecting his house!
And a very good job
you madeof it too!
Thank you so much
as well for buying
so many copies of
our magazi ne!
Hi, my name is Da nila
(you may remember
me from issue 49 ‘Ask
Us Anything’) and I
drew this picture of a
load of hostile mo bs
(and a pig!) trying to get
in Steve’s ho use! Steve is wearing a full
set of diamond armour and adiamond
sword!I ho pe you like it!
Danila, Age 8
We real ly love it, Danila! There’s lots of
scary mo bs there, and your picture has
real ly brought them to life! It ’s lovely to
hear from you ag ain!
My birthday was on February26th. My mum
made a birthday cake and my grandma
bought the Minecraft cake topper s. The
cake was really tasty. I took a bite out of
Steve, which was really good! Here is
a picture of it.
From Zac, Age 11
A belated happy birthday to
you Zac, and your mum is
very talented! That cake looks
AMAZING! Was it as tasty as it
looks? Yum!
Hi, I’m Naima
(Min ecraft name
Tommy Craft) and I
drew this based on my
fort on the Xbox 360.
I really hope you can
print it in your mag; it
took me ages to draw. I
also sent in a couple of
screenshots that I took
on the iPad that I bu ilt
in the half term. Thanks
so much.
Naima (Age 9, London)
Thanks Naima– you
sent us a whole ho st
of stuff and we love
it! That drawing in
particular looks terrific,
and you must be very
proud of it! Keep
building and drawing,
and let us know what
you get up to next!