
(Joyce) #1



Fotos: cosmin4000, agrobacter/

First, the idiomatic way
Dan: I like the plan. Can you test
the waters in the marketing team?
Mia: They won’t like it. They’ve
already allocated the lion’s share
of the budget to print. That’s
where they see more bang for
our buck.

Now, more simply
Dan: I like the plan. Can you find
out how they feel about it in the
marketing team?
Mia: They won’t like it. They’ve al-
ready allocated the largest part of
the budget to print. That’s where
they see more value for money.

Cold reception?
Testing the

test the water(s)
, das Terrain son-
dieren, die Stimmung
lion’s share: the ~
, der Löwenanteil

bang for one’s buck:
a ~ US ifml.
, gute Ware fürs Geld

What did they say again?

English is rich in idiomatic expressions. It’s important to under-
stand exactly what they mean. Learn some key idioms here.

First, the idiomatic way
Dan: A digital campaign can help
make or break us.
Mia: But they say social media is
not all it’s cracked up to be.
Dan: Maybe I can shed some
light on why it’s so important.

Now, more simply
Dan: A digital campaign can help
us succeed or fail.
Mia: But they say social media is
not as good as people claim.
Dan: Maybe I can help explain
why it’s so important.

make or break sb./sth.
, zum Erfolg oder
Scheitern von jmdm./
etw. führen

not all it’s cracked up
to be: sth. is ~ ifml.
, mit etw. ist es auch
nicht sehr weit her
shed light on sth.
, über etw. Aufschluss
geben, etw. (er)klären

First, read the two versions of
the short conversations. Then
cover up the simpler version
and read the idiomatic dialogue
again. Can you remember the
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