Playing Music
If you wanttoconvert noteblocks
intosomething useful, here’s how
musical notation.
The default sound when ablockis
placedcorrespondstoF#(F sharp).
Eachtimeyou adjustthe pitch,the
notegoesupa semitonethroughG,
G#, A,A#, B, B#, C,C#, D,D#, E,F and
F#. It thenrepeats the notes
a secondtimeata higher
octave, ending onF#again.
Bassinstruments aretwo
octaves lower thanthe
standardones, soineffect
you havefouroctaves of
sound toplaywith.
You don’t needtoknow
this – you could justplay
byear– butif you want
toplay yourown music
fromnotations found
online, it’s veryhelpful
infi guring outatwhat
pitch you needtoset
An activated
note block
Noteblockswon’tplaysoundsif there’s
a blockimmediatelyabovethem,soyou
havetoleavespacefor themtoplay. You can
use this knowledge tohelp createyourtunes,
though. You could set upstickypistonsto
muffl e noteblocksbymoving blocksonand
offthem, thoughnoteblocksthemselves
can’tbemoved bypistons.
The sound ofa noteblocktravels for 48
blocksineverydirection,butmay bequite
quiet. It’s possibletotriggera noteblock
using a button orlever attachedtothe sideof
it, butthe sound effect oftriggering the lever/
buttonoften drowns out the actualnote!
Note Block
More note block
sounds are coming!
The material below
a note block affects
its sound