Dear AskUsAnything,
I havea few questions.
- Whatedition am Iplaying?
- How doyou build amoving
- Can you give mea seed to
spawn near aforest mansion.
Thanks, fromEwan,Age 8
Hey Ewan!
Thanks for sending
the screenshot,
but we’ll answer
your fi rst question
more generally.
You can fi gure
out what version
you’re playing by
fi rst looking in the
bottom right of the
title screen for the number. If the logo at
the top just says “Minecraft” then you’re
playing the Bedrock Edition, and if
you’re playing another version (e.g. Java
Edition) you’ll see that beneath the logo.
Unfortunately, you can’t build a
drawbridge that will lower, but if you
want one that will raise up you can doit
by placing sticky pistons
below blocks, putting all
of that below a single
layer of water (or lava!)
and then attaching the
pistons to a redstone
switch so that they will
then activate.
Sadly, we don’t
have any seeds that
spawn you close to a
forest mansion for this
version! The best way
to fi nd one is to look
for a village with a
cartographer and trade for a woodland
mansion explorer map. Use Creative
mode to give yourself the emeralds you
need if you want to do it quickly!
Thanks for your questions, Ewan! Hope
those answers were useful.
Find the version
number in the
bottom right
Can’t fi nd a
mansion - use
a map!