■ ZAppLink 187
Baking Polypaint to UV Texture Space
Once you have completed your polypaint, you will at some point want to bake it into a UV
map if you plan on rendering outside of ZBrush (Figure 5.53). This simple process is out-
lined in the following steps:
- Load the polypainted ZTool.
- Step down to the lowest subdivision level and open the Tool → U V Map menu. Click
the 4096 button to create a 4096×4096 texture map.
Figure 5.50 Erase edges of the photo to create a softer blend.
Figure 5.51 A selection of details
that help push the realism of the head
include spider veins around the nose
and eyes.
Figure 5.52 The final painted
Stingerhead character in ZBrush
Figure 5.53 The Stingerhead
exported and rendered in Maya