Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1


abstraction ladder, 73–74, 427
accents, 415
acceptance, latitude of, 471
accommodating, as escapist style, 228–229
accommodation, in intercultural
communication, 145–146
of note taking, 359–362
of sources, 358
achievement cultures, 130
achievement-oriented leaders, 279
action, in motivated sequence pattern, 488
action-oriented listeners, 157
action stage in stages of change model, 472
active listeners, 155
active listening, 126
active strategies, 196
actress profile, 102
adaptability, of organizations, 309–310
adaptors, 103
ad hominem fallacy, 482–483
adjourning stage of group development, 249
administrator role, 258
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 81
advertising, interactive, 475
Aetna, 321
affect displays, 103
affective component, of listening, 152, 153
affiliation, communication and, 6
agape, 186
age, conflict and, 224
agendas, for meetings, 292–293
agenda setting, 545–546
aggression, conflict and, 218
aggressiveness, verbal, 230
“Ain’t I a Woman?” (Truth), 378–379
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 245
all-channel networks, 257
Allen, Bill, 151
Allen, Ron, 436
allusion, in speeches, 377–379
The Amazing Race (TV show), 216, 247
ambiguity, of nonverbal behavior, 95–96
ambushing, 170
American Idol (TV show), 523, 537, 538
American Psychological Association (APA)
style, 361, 388
American Sign Language (ASL), 94, 154, 164
Anchorman (film), 411
anchor position, 471
anecdotes, 353–354

Angelou, Maya, 105
anonymity, online, conflict and, 225–227
antigroup roles, in groups, 259–260
anxiety, about delivering speeches. See public
speaking anxiety
apologizing, 234–235
appeals to tradition, 483
Apple, 305, 335, 363
appraisal interviews, 503
appreciative listening, 160, 162
The Apprentice (TV show), 504
appropriateness, of competent
communication, 15–16
Argo (film), 99
argumentativeness, group
communication and, 268–269
arguments, circular, 483
Aristotle, 476, 477
Arrested Development (TV series), 547
artifacts, nonverbal communication by,
assertiveness, group communication and,
assumptions, questioning, 40
attacking, 170
attending, 153
of audience, capturing, 379–381
distaste for, as trigger for anxiety, 405
focusing, 153
in motivated sequence pattern, 488
attention deficit disorder (ADD), 164
defined, 466
about listening, 167, 169
mass media and, 544–546
persuasive speaking to change.
See persuasive speaking
reinforcement by mass media, 543
toward conflict, 219–220
attractive qualities, relationship
formation and, 190
attributions, 39–40
Au, Bryan, 484
active, mass media and, 542–544
capturing attention of, 379–381
challenging to respond, 385
connecting with, 382
disposition of, persuasive speaking and,

getting interest of, 447–448
hostile, 471
listening to, 166
making topic relevant to, 448–449
needs of, persuasive speaking and,
neutral, 471
receptive, 471
relevance to, persuasive speaking and,
audience analysis, 341–346
anticipating audience response and, 344,
assessing, 345
demographics and psychographics in,
expectations and situational factors in,
auditory processing disorder, 164
author profile, 84
autonomy, in interpersonal
relationships, 196–197
avatars, 59
The Avengers (film), 538
avoider role, 259
avoiding, 228

Baby Boomers, 136
back-channel cues, 107
Baldwin, Alec, 218
bandwagon fallacy, 482
bar graphs, 424
basic communication processes, 28
Bateman, Jason, 60
Bechdel, Allison, 540
begging the question, 483
behavior, 23
defined, 466
intercultural communication and, 142
mass media and, 544–546
others’ perceptions of us and, 54–60
persuasive speaking to change. See per-
suasive speaking
social cognitive theory and, 544
behavioral affirmation, 144
behavioral component, of listening, 152,
behavioral confirmation, 144
behavioral flexibility, 16, 135–136
Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One
Interfaith Family (Miller), 229


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