Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
I-2 Index

defined, 466
persuasive speaking to change. See per-
suasive speaking
believability, of nonverbal behavior, 96
belongingness/social needs, 473
Bernard, Daniel, 444n
Best Buy, 321
Beyond Scared Straight (TV series), 502
fundamental attribution error, 40, 60
intergroup, overcoming, 143–144
media, 541–542
self-serving, 39
biased language, 77–78
bibliographies, running, 361–362
Bieber, Justin, 15, 16, 548
The Big Bang Theory (TV series), 101, 208,
253, 433
The Biggest Loser (TV show), 107, 108, 247
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure (film), 249
Billingsley, Peter, 60
Bin Laden, Osama, 283
bipolar questions, 506
Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne, 337–338
Blizzard, 187
blocker role, 259
Bloomberg, Michael, 30–31
Boateng, Kevin Prince, 76
The Body Language of Poker (Caro), 95
body movements, 10, 101–103. See
also nonverbal codes; nonverbal com-
Boehner, John, 139
Boilen, Bob, 105
Boing Boing, 226
bonding, in stable stage of a relationship, 204
Borderlands II (online game), 59
boredom, as listening barrier, 164–165
boundary turbulence, 201
Bradley, David, 81
brainstorming, 289, 348–349, 441
brand marketing executive profile, 384
brass, 262
The Break Up (film), 217
Breyer, Stephen, 27
Bridesmaids (film), 71, 234, 235
Bridgers, interactive advertising and, 475
broadcasting, 539
Brokeback Mountain (film), 139
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV series), 273, 301
Buchanan, Edna, 384
Buckley, Bob, 65
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series),
536, 547
Bullock, Sandra, 60, 102
bullying, 213, 237
by leaders, 283
Burgess, Matt, 84
burnout, 325
Bush, George W., 367, 399
business, intercultural communication in, 126
Bynes, Amanda, 60

call to action, 385
career, effective listening and, 158
CareerRocket, 517
Caro, Mike, 95
Carrie (film), 538
Cars to Pirates (video game), 384
Cash, Johnny, 13
Cash, June Carter, 13
Cash, Vivian, 13
CatchMatchmaking, 200
cause-effect pattern, for speeches, 372–373
centrality, in networks, 256–258
central processing, 474, 475
chain networks, 256–257
Challenger disaster, 285, 286
Chamberlain, Richard, 139
channel discrepancy, 95–96
charismatic leaders, 281
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Dahl),
306–307, 308
charts, as presentation aids, 423–424
chef profile, 484
Chen, Wei-Yin, 263
Child, Julia, 190
Child, Paul, 190
choreographer profile, 295
chronemics, 113
chronological pattern, for speeches, 370–371
Churchill, Winston, 281–282
circular arguments, 483
citizen journalists, 548
civility, 79
clarity, presentation aids for, 422
classical management approach, 306–307
Clemente, A. J., 79
The Cleveland Show (TV show), 538
Clinton, Bill, 27, 399
cliques, 253
Clooney, George, 202
closedness, in interpersonal
relationships, 197–198
closed questions, 506
clustering, 348–349, 441
co-cultures, 10, 134–136
conflict and, 223–224
CodeAcademy, 75
computer, 75
language and, 75, 80
nonverbal. See nonverbal codes
shared, requirement for, 10
code switching, 80–82
coercion, 466
coercive power, 274–275
cognition, 23
intercultural communication and, 142
about ourselves, 45, 47–51, 53–54
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), for pub-
lic speaking anxiety, 408
cognitive complexity, 23
cognitive component, of listening, 152, 153–154
cognitive forces, shaping group decision mak-
ing, 287

cognitive language, 66–67
cohesion, in groups, 262, 264
Colbert, Stephen, 499, 527
The Colbert Report (TV show), 433, 499, 527
Coleman, Gary, 60
collaborating, 232
collars, 262
collectivist cultures, 128–129
conflict and, 222–223
Collins, Suzanne, 39
Columbia disaster, 285
Comedy Central interviews, 499, 501
competent. See competent communication
defined, 4
hyperpersonal, 187–188
intercultural. See intercultural
linkage to culture, 10
quality of, 12
shared code required for, 10
studying through characteristics, 12
study of, 26, 28–30
symbolic nature of, 9
as transactional process, 11–12, 21
unintentional, 11
communication accommodation theory
(CAT), 68
communication acquisition, 68
communication apprehension (CA),
266–267, 404
communication channels, 20
conflict and, 224–225
communication climates, 83
communication models, 20–26
competent, 21–26
interaction, 20–21
linear, 20
communication privacy management
(CPM), 199–201
communication processing, 37
communication skills, competent
communication and, 16, 18
communicative climate, conflict and,
communicative value, 12
communicators, in competent
communication model, 23
companionship, relationship formation and,
comparative advantage pattern, for persuasive
speaking, 487
comparisons, in speeches, 379
compelling information, as supporting
material, 358
competent communication, 13–19
appropriateness of, 15–16
assessing your own, 19
challenges with, 38–39
effectiveness of, 15, 16
process-oriented nature of, 13–14
skills involved in, 16, 18
technology and, 18

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