Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Index I-3

competent communication model, 21–26
communicators in, 23
cultural context in, 26
relational context in, 23–25
situational context in, 25
competent listening, 38
competitive conflict style, 228, 230–231
competitive fighting, 230
complementing nonverbal behavior, by
nonverbal behaviors, 97
comprehensive listening, 160
compromising, 232
computer code, 75
concepts, informative speaking and, 440
conclusion of interview, 510
conclusions of speeches, 383–385
challenging audience to respond in, 385
making memorable and interesting,
reinforcing topic, purpose, and main
points in, 383
signaling the end in, 383
confidence, building, 405, 407–408
conflict, 213–237
attitudes toward, 219–220
communication channel and, 224–225
communicative climate and, 220–222
culture and, 222–224
defined, 214
inaccurate predictions and, 217
incompatible goals and, 217
in meetings, managing, 294–296
online anonymity and, 225–227
power dynamics and, 219
productive, 215–216
provocation and, 218
reconciliation and. See reconciliation
role, 259–260
triggers for, 217–218
types of. See conflict styles
unbalanced costs and rewards and, 218
unproductive, 214–215
in workplace, 319–320
conflict management, defined, 214
conflict styles, 227–234
competitive, 228, 230–231
cooperative, 228, 231–232, 234
escapist, 227–229
connection, in interpersonal relationships,
connotative meanings, 72, 444
consensus, 296
contact cultures, 114
contemplation stage in stages of change
model, 472
contempt, workplace conflict and, 319
content-oriented listeners, 157
cultural. See cultural context
high- and low-context cultures and.
See high-context cultures; low
context cultures
language and, 68, 79–89

listening. See listening contexts
mediated, 87, 89
relational. See relational context
situational. See situational context
control, 7, 9
language as instrument of, 69
convergence, 145–146
Converse sneakers, 475
cookbook author profile, 484
cooperative conflict style, 228, 231–232, 234
cooperative strategies, 231
Cosmo magazine, 192
relationships and, 193–195
unbalanced rewards and, conflict
and, 218
Coulombe, Joe, 311–312
countercoalitions, 253
cover letters, 520, 521
creative writing instructor profile, 84
creativity, expressing using language, 71
credibility. See also ethos
of sources, 357
critical listening, 160–161
criticism, workplace conflict and, 319
CSI (TV series), 374, 501, 511
Culkin, Macaulay, 60
Cullen, Richard, 322
cultivation stage of mentor-protégé
relationship, 316
cultivation theory, 545
cultural context
communication across, 27
in competent communication model, 26
language and, 83–86
listening, 172–174
perception and, 41–43
cultural myopia, 43–44
cultural values, assessment of, 133
culture, 121–147
co-cultures and, 10, 134–136, 223–224
collectivist. See collectivist cultures
communicating across. See intercultural
conflict and, 222–224
cultural values assessment and, 133
defined, 122
emotional expression and, 132, 134
expression through communication,
feminine (nurturing), 130
group leadership and, 284–285
high-context. See high-context cultures
individualist. See individualist cultures
intergroup communication and, 137–139
learning of, 122–123
linkage to communication, 10
low-context. See low-context cultures
masculine (achievement), 130
monochronic, 132
nonverbal communication and, 114–115
nurse attire and, 109
organizational. See organizational culture

polychronic, 132
power distance and, 131
social identity theory and, 136–139
time orientation and, 131–132
uncertainty avoidance and, 129–130
Cunningham, Cory, 444n
Cuoco, Kaley, 39
curiosity, arousing, 447–448
cyberbullying, 225–227
Cyrus, Miley, 60, 538

The Daily Show (TV show), 433
dancer profile, 295
Darvish, Yu, 263
deafness. See hearing impairment
debate, healthy, productive conflict and,
deception, by nonverbal behavior, 99, 101
in groups. See group decision making
productive conflict and, 216
declining stage of a relationship, 204–206
interference and, 205–206
uncertainty events and, 205
unmet expectations and, 206
decoding, 10
deductive reasoning, 479
defensive communication climates,
conflict and, 221
defensive listening, 168
defensiveness, workplace conflict and, 319
defining terms, in informative
speaking, 453
definitional speeches, 444–445
DeGeneres, Ellen, 134
Delivering Happiness (Hseih), 305
delivering speeches, 403–429
anxiety about. See public speaking anxiety
connecting with audience and, 417–419
effective visual delivery and, 414, 416–417
effective vocal delivery and, 412–414
extemporaneously, 410–411
from manuscript, 408–409
from memory, 409
online, 419–421
practicing for, 427–429
preparation for, 407
presentation aids for. See presentation aids
rehearsal and, 407, 427
spontaneously, 409–410
delivery cues, 393
delivery outlines, 391, 393–394, 397–398,
demographics, of audience, 342–344
demonstration speeches, 442–444
Deng Xiaoping, 362
denotative meaning, 72
Depp, Johnny, 306
The Descendants (film), 202
describing, language and, 69
descriptive presentations, 442
desensitization, for public speaking anxiety, 407
Despicable Me 2 (film), 535

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