action, taking, 50–51
Aframe shelter, 156, 157,161–62, 165
Africa, food in, 211
alcohol, 314, 335
Algonquin Provincial Park, 217–18
allergic reactions, 184, 313–14
altitude sickness, 316
anger, 48, 50
animal activity, tracks and other signs of,
44, 195, 202
animal dung, used for fire, 108, 133
animal fats, used for fire, 108, 109
animals. See also creepy crawlies; critters;
predators and dangerous animals
edible, 185–87, 208–11 (see also game)
ants, 262
fish, 188, 273
mussels, 5
platypus, 272
scorpions and spiders, 168, 313–14
snakes, 314
warning signs, 186
water from, 86
animal trails, following, 75. See also tracks
antidiarrheal tablets, 24, 356
antihistamines, 24, 356
antiseptic ointment, 24, 356
anthills, 146
bullet ants (Maunyi), 145–6
as food, 185
and plants, 265
poisonous, 262
and water, 76
anxiety, 47–48. See also calm
Arama, Dave, 265, 266
Arctic regions
clothing for, 288, 297
fire considerations in, 138
food in, 209
hazards in, 271
shelter in, 171
survival kit for, 32
travel and navigation in, 246–47
water considerations in, 90–91
weather in, 283
arid regions
clothing for, 297
fire considerations in, 136
food in, 208
hazards in, 269–70
shelter in, 166–67
survival kit for, 31
travel and navigation in, 245
water considerations in, 89–90
weather in, 283
assessing and prioritizing, 41–45, 303, 343
audio signals, 62–63
avalanches, 177, 248, 273–74
banana leaves, 158
bandages, 24, 25, 356
bandana, 20, 22, 353
cedar, 137
used for roofing material, 169
barometers, 280
batteries, 34, 132
bears, 254, 256
Beauchamp, Allan “Bow,” 78, 87
bentpole frame shelter, 163
bird down, 107
catching, 202
following, 75–76
bites, 248, 263, 272, 296, 313–14
blankets, 34
solar, 29, 247
“space,” 29
bleeding, 312
blisters, 292, 315
blizzards, 271, 282. See also Stolpa, Jennifer
and James
body parts to protect in survival situa
tions, 303
boiling water, 87
bone, making knives from, 330, 332, 333
boots, 35
Index (^) | 364