
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

of the relevant recommendations you would like the readers
to consider. Make them definite not vague. (See Figure 5.)

Recommendations from the Churchwardens to the PCC

The Churchwardens have looked closely at the needs
of the building and ask the PCC to take note of the
following recommendations:

  1. Repair the guttering on the church roof.

  2. Redecorate the church hall.

  3. Replace worn carpet in church hall.

  4. Renovate ladies’ and gents’ toilet facilities.

  5. Replace pews in church building with chairs, and
    carpet the church throughout. This will cost a great
    deal of money. It is therefore recommended that the
    congregation be informed and asked to contribute to
    the cost. The following recommendations are also
    a. The collection on Sunday 23 June should be set
    aside for this purpose.
    b. Members of the congregation should be invited to
    contribute to the building fund on a regular basis.
    c. A day of prayer should be held on Saturday 22
    June to pray that enough money will be given and
    pledged to allow us to continue using our

Fig. 5. Recommendations from report.


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