Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1


$ symbol, 16
&$matches data, 149
:: (scope resolution operator), 11, 47
_ (underscores), 260

abort( ) method, 279
abstract classes, 3–6
abstract keyword, 10
abstract modifier, 4
AC (action controller), 203
accept( ) method, 148, 157, 158, 169, 170
access control, 265–267
access control list (ACL), 265
action controller (AC), 203
action helpers, 226–227, 263–264
Action suffix, 220
actions, MVC, 203
actor option, 294
addAction( ) method, 228
addCar( ) method, 5
addHelper( ) method, 264
addPath( ) method, 264
AddPhoto operation, 309
admin modules, 259

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML),
JavaScript and, 276–279
PHP and, 273–275
overview, 273
projects, 280–284
GET requests, 280–281
POST requests, 281–284
ajax.htm script, 281
ALL_MATCHES option, 149
ALLOW_EMPTY metacommand, 232
allowOverrides directive, 207
AllTests command, 114
Alpha filter, 231
Amazon Web Services, 295–297
Amazon Web Services API, 299
Apache, configuring for SSL, 319–320
append($value) method, 181
AppendIterator, 147–148
application/controllers directory, 220
application/controllers/index.php file, 212
apt command, 63
apt-get install function, 41
areEqual( ) method, 157
areIdentical( ) method, 157 Page 329 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM

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