Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

parsing reflection-based documentation
data, 81–86
accessing doccomment data, 82–83
docblock tokenizer, 81–82
overview, 81
parsing tokens, 84–86
tokenizing doccoment data, 83–84
retrieving user-declared classes, 74–76
understanding reflection plug-in
architecture, 76–81
Reflection class, 86
reflection classes, 88–96
Reflection extension, 102
reflection plug-in architecture, 76–81
Reflection* class, 96, 99
reflection-based documentation data,
parsing, 81–86
accessing doccomment data, 82–83
installing docblock tokenizer, 81–82
overview, 81
ReflectionClass, 76, 78
Reflection::export( ) method, 74
ReflectionExtension interface, 74
ReflectionMethod class, 78, 88
ReflectionParameter class, 88
reflector interface, 74
RegexFindFile, 168, 169
RegexIterator, 149–151, 161
RegexIterator::MATCH mode, 149
register_globals function, 41
registerPlugin( ) method, 263
remote debugging, with Xdebug, 124

Remote Procedure Call (RPC), 286
render( ) method, 49, 220
REPLACE option, 149
repository, 106
request cycle, 261
request object, 225
response object, 226
setting up, 215–219
bootstrapping, 217–219
creating virtual hosts, 216
installing, 215–216
two-step view, 267–269
master layout, 267–268
placeholders, 268–269
validating input, 229–232
metacommands, 232
Zend_Filter_Input class, 229–231
views, 220
Request. Request parameter, 295
require_once function, 137, 170, 207
response object, 226
responseText property, 279, 281
responseXML property, 279
responsibility patterns, 21–23
rethrowing exceptions, 39
rewind( ) method, 129, 144
root CA certificates, 313, 314–315
routeShutdown request, 262
RPC (Remote Procedure Call), 286
runtime exceptions, 191–192, 198
RuntimeException class, 189 Page 343 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM

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