Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

SoapClient operation, 295
SoapClient::__construct( ) method, 291
SoapClient::__getFunctions( ) method, 293
SoapClient::__getLastRequest( ) method, 293
SoapClient::__getLastRequestHeaders( )
method, 293
SoapClient::__getLastResponse( )
method, 293
SoapClient::__getLastResponseHeaders( )
method, 293
SoapClient::__getTypes( ) method, 293
SOAP-encoded array, 302
SoapServer class, 285, 290, 294, 309
SoapServer::__construct( ) method, 294
SoapServer::addFunction(mixed $functions)
method, 294
SoapServer::fault(string $code, string
$string) method, 294
soft metadata, 75
SPL (Standard PHP Library), 81, 127–161
accessing flat-file databases with DBA,
array overloading, 130–131, 179–188
autoloading, 137–140
files, 163–178
and directory information, 163–166
iteration of directories, 166–171
object operations, 171–177
overview, 163
spl_autoload( ) function, 138, 141, 261
spl_autoload_call( ) function, 139, 141
spl_autoload_extensions( ) function, 138, 141
spl_autoload_functions( ) function, 139, 141
spl_autoload_register( ) function, 138, 141
$spl_flags parameter, 150
spl_object_hash( ) function, 140, 185

SplFileInfo class, 163, 177
SplFileInfo object, 166, 177
SplFileObject class, 171, 172, 177, 190
SPLIT mode, 149
SplObjectStorage class, 133, 141
SplObserver interface, 132
SplSubject interface, 132
SSL, configuring Apache for, 319–320
SSL_CLIENT_* variables, 325
SSLCACertificateFile file, 324
SSLEngine file, 320
SSLOptions StrictRequire option, 324
SSLRequire statements, 324
Standard PHP Library. See SPL; SPL
(Standard PHP Library)
static debate, 18
static keyword, 18, 49
static members, 11–13
static scope, 13
static:: scope, 16
status property, 279
statusText property, 279
stdClass objects, 304
str_word_count( ) function, 47
stream context, 325
stream-interacting calls, 325
Street class, 5, 10
string json_encode(mixed $value)
method, 274
string type.toJSONString( ) method, 276
string Zend_Json::encode(mixed $value)
method, 275
StripTags filter, 231
strlen( ) function, 44, 47
style option, 292 Page 345 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM

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