Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
We’ll learn more about the specifics of the Liquify command in
the next lesson. For now, just experiment. For my part, I used
the pucker tool to decrease the size of the eyes and the bloat tool
to thicken the eyebrows. Then I used the warp tool to make the
eyes angrier and the mouth snarlier, as in Figure 7-21.
Have fun with it. If you want to exactly match my
outrageously vicious germ, click the Load Mesh but-
ton and choose the Angry germ.msh file, which I’ve
placed in the Lesson 07 folder, then click Open. When you get
an effect you like, click the OK button to apply it.

Warp tool
Pucker tool
Bloat tool

Figure 7-21.

  1. Display the Hue/Saturation dialog box. Now to make the angry
    germ turn green. Choose the classic color command Image→
    Adjustments→Hue/Saturation or press Ctrl+U (�-U).

  2. Replace the cyans with green. We don’t want to change the red
    of the tongue and the pink of the gums. So relegate your edits
    to the germ’s flesh by choosing Cyans from the second pop-
    up menu. Enter a value of –50 into the Hue option box, which
    pushes the light blues into a more germy-looking green terri-
    tory. When your settings match those in Figure 7-22, click OK.

Figure 7-22.

234 Lesson 7: Sharpening and Smart Objects
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