Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Apply the first filter, Smart Sharpen. Let’s start the filtering
    process by firming the edges using Smart Sharpen (no relation).
    Choose Filter→Sharpen→Smart Sharpen and enter the follow-
    ing settings, all pictured in Figure 7-26:

    • From the Settings pop-up menu, choose Default. (You
      don’t really need to do this, but it will keep you from being
      confused by references to rodents from the last exercise.)

    • Increase the Amount to 400 percent.

Figure 7-26.

Figure 7-27.

  • Change the Radius value to 2.0 pixels.

  • Set the Remove pop-up menu to Lens Blur, generally the
    best setting for digital photographs like this one.

If the visible area in the preview window of the Smart Sharpen dialog
box isn’t to your liking, you can move the image around within that box
by simply dragging within the preview. I moved the image to our model’s
right eye (left side of the image). Eyes are a good place to gauge the
sharpening of portraits. You can also click your desired area in the main
image window, and the preview will jump to the area you’ve indicated.

Click the OK button to apply the filter. Photoshop adds not one
but two items to the Layers panel. Pictured in Figure 7-27, they
are an empty mask with Smart Filters on the right and Smart
Sharpen below. If you turn off the icon for either of the new
items, you temporarily disable the filter. But be sure to turn
back on all s before you proceed to the next step.

238 Lesson 7: Sharpening and Smart Objects

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