Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Figure 8-17.

  1. Switch to the pucker tool. The pucker tool is great for areas
    that need to be constricted. It’s particularly useful when the
    use of the warp tool has caused some lumpiness. In my case,
    her arm on the right side of the image is looking a little bumpy
    from my attempts to squish it inward.
    Grab the pucker tool from the toolbox (it’s the fourth one down,
    as you can see in Figure 8-17). Press the key several times to
    reduce the brush size to around 50 pixels. Click at the top of the
    outer edge of her arm where the sleeve starts, and then Shift-
    click at the outer edge near her elbow to draw a line of pucker
    down the side (both areas are indicated in Figure 8-17). This
    should smooth out any lumps you may have caused with the
    warp tool. Do the same on the other arm if necessary.

You can change the brush size by pressing a bracket key, just like
with other brush tools in Photoshop. But the shortcut behaves a bit
differently. Press the or key to scale the brush by 2 pixels. Press
and hold the keys to scale more quickly. Press Shift+ or to scale the
brush in 20-pixel increments.

Pucker tool

Click here...

then Shift-click here

Using Liquify to Fix Posture and Appearance 271

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