Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Decrease the brush size. To work on her hips, reduce the brush
    size by pressing and holding the Shift and keys until you
    reach about 375 pixels.

  2. Pull her thighs and hips upward and inward. The stool our
    lovely model is sitting on is having an unfortunate effect on
    her thighs and hips. Press and hold the spacebar and drag so
    that her lower body is visible. Start at the point I’ve indicated
    in Figure 8-16 and restore a more flattering look to her lower
    body by moving upward and slightly inward, elongating the
    hips. Remember the following as you work:

  • Keep your strokes very short. I used three
    strokes on the left side and four on the right,
    moving bulging areas in and up.

  • Evaluate each brushstroke as you apply it.
    Remember you can Undo any stroke and
    use the Step Backward command to go back
    more than one step if necessary.

  • Generally, you want to drag on the detail
    that you want to move. In this case, we want
    those areas that are being smushed out by
    the stool to move, so start your drag near
    the outer edge of her pants.

  • When you’re compressing one area, you’re
    stretching another. In this case, the back-
    ground is white, so it’s forgiving. If we had
    a busier background, you’d need to watch
    for pixel stretching outside her body.
    My results are shown in Figure 8-16.

  1. Reduce the brush size again and drag in her
    arms. Moving her elbows upward can cause her
    arms to look too wide. Press the key until your
    brush is about 150 pixels. Then choose some
    key spots along her arm and pull them inward.
    If you like, you can actually pull down her cap
    sleeves slightly to cover the top of her arms a
    bit. (I think a longer sleeve looks nicer in this
    case. Call me not-a-slave-to-fashion.)
    Figure 8-16.

Choose key spots on the outer edge,
where the stool has caused a bulge,
and move inward and upward

270 Lesson 8: Transform and Distort

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