Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Fill in the background. Since we’ll be repositioning our pup-
    pet-boy’s limbs, we want his background to be solid sky, rather
    than his doppelganger. Click the Sky & Grass layer to make it
    active. Then choose Edit→Fill. In the Fill dialog box, choose
    Content-Aware from the Use pop-up menu and click OK. Pho-
    toshop assesses the surrounding pixels to decide how to fill in
    the selection. Press Ctrl+D (�-D) to deselect; as you can see in
    Figure 8-25, content-aware fill did a fairly good job for a one-
    step operation.

Figure 8-25.

  1. Heal the haloes with the healing brush. Yes, content-aware fill
    is pretty cool, but you can see in this case that it’s not perfect.
    (Especially when you know what to look for: the outline of the
    removed object that you know was there.) To fix those haloes
    left behind by our jumping subject, select the healing brush
    from the toolbox. Alt-click (Option-click) in a suitably similar
    area to set the source point, and smooth over the shadow effect
    that Jumper left behind. Choose a few random source points
    (Alt-clicking or Option-clicking) as you work to get good tex-
    ture variation in the sky.

278 Lesson 8: Transform and Distort

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