Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Figure 8-28.

  1. Move the pins to stretch the puppet. Once you get all the pins
    in place, the fun begins. The goal is to stretch this guy out in
    an almost cartoonish way. You’ll see where my pins ended up
    shortly, but for now, here are a few things to keep in mind when
    you’re setting and working with puppet warp’s pins:

    • The selected pin (the one that’s going to move) has a black
      dot in the center.

    • You can move two or more pins simultaneously. To see an
      amusing example, select the pin on one elbow and Shift-click
      the opposite one. Then drag one of the pins up and down to
      make puppet boy wave his arms like a maniac. Be sure to
      press Ctrl+Z (�-Z) to undo when your amusement wanes.

    • If you press and hold the Alt key (Option key) and then
      hover over a pin, you get a scissors icon. Click, and you
      delete that pin.

Manipulating with Puppet Warp 281

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