Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Draw a level horizon line. The straighten tool in Camera Raw
    works similarly to the one we saw in Photoshop in Lesson 2,
    except that once you release the mouse, the image will auto-
    matically go into crop mode. Carefully drag a horizontal line
    across the image, using the checkerboard tiles of the building
    as a reference. When you release, Camera Raw will create a
    crop bounding box showing you which parts will be cut away.
    Take this cropping opportunity to improve the composition.
    Grab the handle at the top of the bounding box and move it
    down below the cutoff tile lettering at the top. Then move the
    right boundary halfway into the outer row of tiles to match the
    tiles on the left, as in Figure 9-16.

Figure 9-16.

Luminance, Crop, and Color 311

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