Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Selective Editing and Spot Removal

Way back, oh, before CS4 came along, the edits you made in Camera
Raw could be applied only to the entire image. You couldn’t specifi-
cally limit your modifications to a particular part of a photo that was
in need of special consideration. You also couldn’t deal with pesky
little flaws unless you opened the image in Photoshop proper. But
all that changed with the previous update of ACR and Photoshop.

Selective edits come in handy when you have an image like the one
pictured in Figure 9-18. I balanced this shot in advance to accom-
modate the sky. But the low-angle foreground is a bit too cool as
a result. Wouldn’t it be great it you could adjust different regions
of an image differently? Well, as of Camera Raw 5, you can. The
plug-in provides two tools (both labeled in the figure) that let you
adjust colors selectively:

  • The adjustment brush (keyboard shortcut: K) lets you paint in
    brightness and color adjustments.

• (^) The graduated filter tool (G) creates a gradual transition between
one area of color adjustments and another.
Figure 9-18.
filter tool
Selective Editing and Spot Removal 313

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