Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Scale, rotate, and move the duplicate star. At this point, I need
    you to make some precise adjustments:

    • In the options bar, click the icon between the W and H
      values to scale the star paths proportionally. Then change
      either the W or H value to 80 percent.

    • Tab to the rotate value ( ) and change it to –16 degrees.
      This tilts the star counterclockwise.

    • Drag the star until what used to be the upper-left handle
      of the now-tilted bounding box clicks into alignment with
      the intersection of the topmost and leftmost guidelines, as
      shown in Figure 11-32.
      When the new star appears in the proper position, press the
      Enter or Return key to confirm the transformation.

  2. Repeat the previous transformation three times. Press
    Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T (or �-Shift-Option-T) to repeat all the op-
    erations performed in the preceding step. This tells Photoshop
    to duplicate the second star group, scale it proportionally to
    80 percent, rotate it –16 degrees, and move it to the left. Press
    Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T (�-Shift-Option-T) twice more to further
    repeat the operations. The result is the arcing sequence of five
    stars shown in Figure 11-33 on the next page.

Figure 11-32.

Drawing and Editing Shapes 399

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