Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Make more room for the metadata. Assuming again that
    you’re working in the same Big Thumbs workspace in which
    we ended the preceding exercise, drag the horizontal divider
    between the Folders and Metadata panels upward, as illustrated
    in Figure 1-23. This expands the Metadata and Keywords pan-
    els to about twice their previous size.

  2. Save your workspace. It may seem compulsive, but there’s no
    time like the present to develop good habits. And saving work-
    spaces is about the best habit I know of that doesn’t involve a
    toothbrush. Choose Window→Workspace→New Workspace
    from the Photoshop menu bar, name the setting “My Metadata,”
    and click Save. Now you have a customized metadata view that
    will serve you well into your dotage.

  3. Select a single thumbnail. Each image contains different meta-
    data, so you’ll generally want to review one image at a time.
    Choose Edit→Deselect All or press Ctrl+Shift+A (�-Shift-A) to
    deselect all the thumbnails. Then click the picture titled Pont du
    Gard.jpg. This image represents the pinnacle of my insane love
    for all things old and Roman. (So that you can see the photo
    and its subject in all its glory, I zoomed the thumbnail as far as
    possible in Figure 1-24.)
    Figure 1-23.

Figure 1-24.

26 Lesson 1: Open and Organize

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