Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Customize the metadata display options. Click
    in the top-right corner of the Metadata panel
    to display the panel menu. Choose the Prefer-
    ences command to open the Bridge’s Prefer-
    ences dialog box with the Metadata options in
    full view. Then turn on and off the check boxes
    as illustrated in the impossibly long Figure 1-27.
    You’ll probably need a magnifying glass to see
    those check boxes, so I document my recom-
    mended changes in the following list:

  • If necessary, twirl open the File Properties
    category at the top of the list. Then turn off
    the check boxes that duplicate properties that
    appear in the metadata placard, namely File
    Size, Dimensions, Resolution, Color Mode,
    and Color Profile. You might also turn off
    Filename since the filenames are listed in
    the content browser. But I suggest you leave
    this check box on; seeing the filename in the
    Metadata panel helps you confirm which
    image is active.

  • Scroll down and turn off the IPTC Core
    and IPTC Extension check boxes—which
    deactivates a whole slew of properties—and
    twirl them closed. Now you might think,
    wait a second, some of that stuff was use-
    ful. Creator, Description, Copyright—these
    are properties any professional might need. I
    agree, which is why I have you restore those
    options next.

  • Twirl open the preceding category, IPTC
    (IIM, legacy). Short for Information Inter-
    change Model, IIM is an older version of the
    IPTC standard. But most of its properties are
    the same, and those that aren’t tend to be more
    compatible with Photoshop’s other metadata
    editor, the File Info dialog box (which we’ll
    see shortly). Turn on the following proper-
    ties: Document Title, Headline, Keywords,
    Description, Instructions, Author, Author
    Title, City, State/Province, Country, Copy-
    right, and Copyright Info URL.

Figure 1-27.

28 Lesson 1: Open and Organize
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