Eastern and Central Europe (Eyewitness Travel Guides)
HUNGARY 359 The magnificent ruins of the citadel, towering over Visegrád views. Halfway down the hill, in the Solomon Tower, is ...
360 CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE E Christian Museum Mindszenty tér 2. Tel (033) 413 880. # Mar–Oct: 10am–6pm Tue–Sun; Nov–Feb: 11am–3p ...
HUNGARY 361 moved here from its previous location. The museum houses all sorts of hydraulic equipment from the 20th century, as ...
362 CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp390–93 and pp394–7 Székesfehérvár 8 60 km (37 miles) ...
HUNGARY 363 Fertőd q 184 km (114 miles) W of Budapest. * 3,400. £ from Szombathely. @ from Sopron. n Tourinform, Joseph Haydn ut ...
364 CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp390–93 and pp394–7 Frozen Lake Fertő in the picturesq ...
HUNGARY 365 Kőszeg r 219 km (136 miles) W of Budapest. 12,000. £ from Szombathely. @ from Sopron. n Tourinform, Jurisics tér 7, ...
366 CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE Veszprém y The site of the nation’s first bishopric, and for centuries the seat of the Queen of Hunga ...
HUNGARY 367 P St István Viaduct Szent István völgyhíd. Stretching over the Fejes valley, from Dózsa György utca to the St László ...
368 CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE Balatonberény 0 One of the first resorts on the lake to become popular, Balatonberény retains a late- ...
KEY Ferry terminal Campsite Viewpoint Motorway Motorway under construction Tour route Minor road Railway Ferry route HUNGARY 369 ...
370 CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE Town Hall, one of many attractive buildings on Fő Square Keszthely o Keszthely is the oldest and larg ...
HUNGARY 371 P Festetics Palace See pp372–3. KESZTHELY TOWN CENTRE Balaton Museum 4 Doll and Waxwork Museum 6 Festetics Palace pp ...
Keszthely: Festetics Palace Festetics Palota Originally the home of the Festetics family, the stately Neo-Baroque Festetics Pala ...
HUNGARY 373 VISITORS’ CHECKLIST Kastély utca 1, Keszthely. Tel (083) 314 194. £ @ 4 n Tourinform, Kossuth Lajos utca 28, (083) 3 ...
374 CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE St Peter’s Cathedral, with its distinctive corner towers Pécs p Cosmopolitan Pécs calls itself “Hunga ...
HUNGARY 375 0 metres 0 yards 100 100 PÉCS CITY CENTRE Apáca Utca and Early Christian Mausoleum 4 Archaeological Museum 5 Csontvá ...
376 CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE P József Katona Theatre and Holy Trinity Monument Katona József tér 5. Tel (076) 501 during perform ...
HUNGARY 377 E Szórakaténusz Toy Museum and Workshop Gáspár András körát 11. Tel (076) 481 469. # Mar–Oct: 10am–5pm Tue–Sun; Nov– ...
Bükk National Park s Bükki Nemzeti Park Since 1977, most of the Bükk Mountain region in northern Hungary has been classi fied as ...
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