For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp288–91 and pp292–5
Telč 0
161 km (100 miles) SE of Prague.
- 6,000. £ @ n Náměstí
Zachariáše z Hradce 10, 567 112
The turning point for Telč
came in 1530, when a fire
devastated the town. Lord
Zachariáš, the governor of
Moravia, brought in Italian
master builders and architects
to rebuild the town’s castle. In
the end, they rebuilt almost all
the houses in the Renaissance
style, endow ing the town
with a striking archi tectural
uniform ity that has survived
to this day. Telč was added to
the UNESCO List in 1992.
The Main Square (Náměstí
Zachariáše z Hradce), is lined
with pastel-coloured houses
with a breath taking vari ety of
gables and pedi ments, some
250 years old. At the nar row
western end of the square is
the Telč Chateau (Zámek telč),
a Renaissance build ing devised
by Lord Zachariáš. Inside, the
highlights are the rooms with
stun ning coffered ceilings,
such as the Knight’s Chambers.
It also has a fine col lec tion of
arms and porcelain.
Modern Telč is separated
from the Old Town by two fish-
ponds, which almost surround
the tiny historic centre.
+ Telč Chateau
Tel 567 243 943. # Apr–Oct:
9am–12pm, 1–4pm Tue–Sun; May–
Sep: 9am–12pm, 1–5pm Tue–Sun.
& 8 http://www.zamek-telc.cz
Třebíč q
163 km (101 miles) SE of Prague.
* 41,000. £ @ n Karlovo
náměstí 53, 568 847 070.
The industrial town of Třebíč
is best known for the Basilica
of St Procopius (Bazilika sv
Prokopa) and its historic
Jewish quarter. The church
once belonged to a monas-
tery, founded in 1101 by
the Czech Royal Dynasty,
the Přemyslids. It was trans-
formed into a castle in the
1600s. The 13th-century
church was restored in the
Baroque period but retains
its Romanesque portal, with
floral and geometric patterns.
Notable features include the
rosette window in the apse
and the unusual “dwarfs’
gallery” running out side.
The enor mous crypt fea -
tures 50 col umns, each
with a different capital.
The restored Jewish quarter,
Telč Chateâu seen beyond the town’s fishponds
Znojmo w
205 km (128 miles) SE of Prague.
* 36,000. £ @ n Obroková 10,
515 222 552. http://www.znojmocity.cz
Above the Dyje river lies
Znojmo, one of Moravia’s old-
est towns, with a network of
small streets at its heart. The
best of its historic sights is
the Romanesque Rotunda of
St Catherine (sv Kateřiny),
located inside the Znojmo
Castle (Znojemský hrad),
which has strik ing fres coes
and portraits of Přemyslid
princes. A large part of the
castle is now a brewery. The
lane of Velka Mikulasska
leads to the Gothic Cathedral
of St Nicholas (sv Mikuláš),
which has a globe-shaped
Baroque pulpit.
- Znojmo Castle
Přemyslouců 8. Tel 515 222 311.Apr: 9am–5pm Sat & Sun;
May–Sep: 9am–5pm Tue–Sun. &
7 limited access.
Panoramic view of Znojmo, one of Moravia’s oldest towns
Zámostí, between the Jihlava
river and Hrádek Hill, is on
UNESCO’s World Heritage
List. Třebíč’s Jewish popula-
tion peaked at the end of
the 18th century but subse-
quently dwindled due to
the impact of the Holocaust.
With many original buildings
intact, the quarter is evocative
of the old ghetto. In par tic-
ular, the colourful Leopold
Pokorný ulice and richly fres-
coed Rear/New Synagogue
(Zadní/Nová synagóga) are
worth a visit.
R Basilica of St Procopius
Zámek 1. Tel 568 610 022. #
daily. & 8 (book in advance).