Dorling Kindersley would like to thank the many
people whose help and assistance contributed to
the preparation of this book.
Jürgen Scheunemann was born and raised in rural
northern Germany and now lives in Berlin. A freelance
journalist, he has also written and translated several
travel guides on Asia, the US, Berlin and Germany.
James Stewart is a travel journalist and guidebook
author for over 10 years. He writes for several
publications, including The Times, Guardian and
Wanderlust. He is the author of Rough Guide to Tasmania
and co-author of Rough Guide to Germany. He has also
contributed to Rough Guide Make the Most of Your Time
on Earth and Rough Guide Clean Breaks.
Neville Walker is a travel writer and lives in London
and Austria. He has written and updated guidebooks
to Provence & the Côte d’ Azur, Germany, Austria and
Gran Canaria for a number of travel publishers, including
Rough Guides. He also writes for publications such as
the Financial Times and the Guardian.
Christian Williams grew up in Germany. He has been
a freelance writer since 1997, and has written or co-written
around 20 travel guidebooks, including the Rough
Guides to Berlin and Austria. He has also penned articles
for various magazines and provided content for various
travel websites.
Fact Checker
Claudia Himmelreich
Ankita Awasthi
Hilary Bird
Editorial Consultant
Helen Townsend
Design and Editorial
Publisher Douglas Amrine
List Manager Vivien Antwi
Project Editors Michelle Crane, Georgina Palffy
Assistant Editor Vicki Allen
Project Designer Shahid Mahmood
Senior Cartographic Editor Casper Morris
Cartographer Stuart James
Senior DTP Designer Jason Little
Senior Picture Researcher Ellen Root
Production Controller Linda Dare
Special Assistance
Hugh Thompson and Debra Wolter for editorial;
Alf Alderson, Philipp Erbslöh, Tino Gerdesius, Gisela
Grunemann, Bridget Neumann and Alexandra
Whittleton for test drives.
Alex Havret, Lynn McPeake, James Tye
Additional Photography
Sheeba Bhatnagar, Witold Danilkiewicz, Geoff Dann,
Adam Hajder, Michael Jackson, Diana Jarvis, Dorota and
Mariusz Jarymowicz, Jamie Marshall, Wojciech Medrzak,
Tomasz Mysluk, Ian O’Leary, Pawel Wojcik.
Cartographic Production
Lovell Johns Ltd, http://www.lovelljohns.com
Source Data
Base mapping supplied by Kartographie Huber,
Elevation Data
SRTM data courtesy of ESRI
Picture Credits
Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders, and
we apologize in advance for any unintentional omissions. We
would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgments in
any subsequent edition of this publication.
The publisher would like to thank the following individuals,
companies, and picture libraries for their kind permission to
reproduce their photographs:
Placement Key- t=top; tc=top centre; tr=top right; cla=centre
left above; ca=centre above; cra=centre right above; cl=centre
left; c=centre; cr=centre right; clb=centre left below; cb=centre
below; crb=centre right below; bl=bottom left; bc=bottom cen
tre; br=bottom right; ftl=far top left; ftr=far top right; fcla=far
centre left above; fcra=far centre right above; fcl=far centre left;
fcr=far centre right; fclb=far centre left below; fcrb=far centre
right below; fbl=far bottom left; fbr=far bottom right..
akg-images: historic-maps/Abraham Orte 28-29. Alamy
Images: blickwinkel 208-209; Werner Dieterich 231tr;
imagebroker 22bl, 129tl; Interfoto 56br; Werner Otto 134tr; Peter
Widmann 55bl, 180-81. Auf Schönburg. Burghotel und
Restaurant : Volker Linger 23tl. Berlin Airports: 10tr, 10bl.
Dorling Kindersley: Michael Jackson 26tr; Schloss (Burg)
Lichtenstein 229tr. Masterfile: 175br, 224-225; Robert Harding
Images 248br. Photolibrary: Bahnmueller Bahnmueller 27br;
Barbara Boensch 133br; DEA Picture Library 179tl; euroluftbild
euroluftbild 98tl; Hendrik Holler 215tr; Stefan Kiefer 189tl; Werner
Otto 39c, 52br, 134br, 190-191; Chris Seba 37tr; Siepmann 177bl;
Konrad Wothe 21tl; Ernst Wrba 100tl. Tourist Information
Creglingen: 195cl, 195br. Richard Neville Walker: 164br.
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Wolfgang Manousek -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Building_in_germany.jpg 253cl;
Public Domain 167c, 198cr.
Sheet Map:
4Corners Images: SIME/Reinhard Schmid.
Jacket images:
Front: 4Corners Images: SIME/Reinhard Schmid. Spine:
4Corners Images: SIME/Reinhard Schmidt. Back: Corbis: Karl-
Heinz Haenel tl; Getty Images: LOOK/Sabine Lubenow tr; Stone/
John Lamb tc.