Back Roads Germany (Dk Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Sui) #1


vintage steamer. The Müritzeum
(03991 633 680;,,)
at the east ern edge of the old town,
houses the nation’s largest fresh water
aquarium and has displays on ecology.
Return from the center to
locate brown signs for the Müritz-
Nationalpark on the B192. After half a
mile (1 km) turn right, following park-
ing signs on Meckleburger Strasse and
head to Federow. Visitors can pick up
maps from the park center in Federow

(May–Oct: open daily) and then con-
tinue to the hamlet of Speck on the
banks of the Specker See (Lake Speck);
it is possi ble to spot ospreys on a
1.5 mile (2.5 km) circuit of the lake.
Another walk ascends to a view ing
platform on the Käflingsberg Hill; the
trail head is just over half a mile (1 km)
from the end of the paved road.
For a long walk, continue walking
on the track beyond Speck, then turn
left at the cross roads to the farming
villages of Granzin and Dalmsdorf,
where resi dents sell smoked fish by

the road side. Canoes can be rented
(Kormoran Kanutouing Granzin 38, 17237
Kratzeburg-Granzin; http://www.kormoran- between April and
early October to view the scenery
around the lake.


Café Küpper inexpensive
A few steps from the Schloss, the small
Café Küpper serves excellent soups,
snacks and gateau.
Domstrasse 15, 18273; 03843 68 24 85

Rittersaal expensive
This restaurant is housed in the
spectacular Neo-Classical hall in Burg
Schlitz and specializes in French and
Italian cuisine with an Asian touch.
Schlosshotel Burg Schlitz, 17166; 03966
12 700; open daily; book in advance

Fischerhof inexpensive
Located behind the high street off the
main square, this small courtyard restau-
rant specializes in fresh Müritzsee fish.
Neuer Markt 19, 17192 Waren (2 miles/
3 km north of Müritz-Nationalpark);
03991 66 98 15

Luisenstube moderate
Situated just off the Markt, this cozy
restaurant serves freshwater fish.
Seestrasse 8, 17235; 03981 20 07 77

Above Reed beds in the Muritzsee, renowned
for its birdlife Below Nymph fountain,
Burg Schlitz

DRIVE 4: Land of a Thousand Lakes

Eat and Drink: inexpensive, under €20; moderate, €20–€40; expensive, over €40

Schwerin and Waren are both good
bases for making day trips.

Historical romance
In Schwerin 2 , visit Staatliches
Museum, then drive east to Güstrow
4 for lunch. Explore the Dom and
Schloss, and head to Wismar 1 to
view more architectural wonders. End

the day on Zippendorf ‘s 3 beach.

Take the B104 northward from the
Schloss in Schwerin to Güstrow. Return
on the B104 to Prüzen, turn right to
Bützow, and head to Steinhagen,
Neukloster. Then turn right onto the
B192. Go left at Zurow to the B105 to
reach Wismar. Follow the driving
instructions to reach Zippendorf.

Outdoor escapes
Spend a day in Waren and explore the
Müritz-Nationalpark 6. Visit the park
center in Federow or go on a hike up
the Käflingsberg. Drive to Granzin to
go canoeing before strol ling around
the Schloss gardens of Neustrelitz 7.

Follow instructions to Neustrelitz. Retrace
the route to Waren.

7 Neustrelitz
Mecklenburg-Lower Pomerania; 17235
Designed in the 1730s as the
Residenzstadt, or resi dence town, of
a minor Mecklenburg duchy, the ori-
gins of Neustrelitz as a custom-built
capital are evident in its unique and
symmetrically designed Markt or
marketplace, with streets that radiate
like spokes from the corners. Visitors
can better appre ciate the square’s
perfect geometry from a viewing plat-
form in the Baroque town church and
then take the Schlosstrasse to the
Schloss. This ducal palace was
destroyed in World War II, but its gar-
dens retain their natu ralistic English
style as designed by Peter Josef Lenné,
the great Prussian garden designer of
the 19th century. The orangery also
remains intact and is now a restau-
rant. Its interiors were designed by the
19th-century master architect Karl
Schinkel and Prussian court sculptor
Christian Daniel Rauch.

ª Return to Waren and turn right onto
the B192. At Möllenhagen, turn right
again following signs to Ankershagen,
Peckatel, and Blumenholz. Turn right
onto the B96 and take the Neustrelitz/
Kiefernheide exit to Neustrelitz.
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