Back Roads Great Britain (Eyewitness Travel Back Roads)

(Tina Meador) #1


Where to Stay: inexpensive, under £80; moderate, £80–£150; expensive, over £150

6 Pass of Killiecrankie
Pitlochry, Perthshire; PH16 5LG
On the evening of 27 July 1689, the
wooded gorge at Killiecrankie became
a bloody battleground, when Highland
troops led by John Graham of
Claverhouse routed government
forces in the first battle of the Jacobite
rebellion. The Visitor Centre (Apr–Oct:
open daily) tells the story of the battle
and also has displays on the wildlife
and natural history of the gorge, which
looks particularly beautiful when the
trees turn russet and gold in autumn.
A path leads down to a viewpoint over
Soldier’s Leap, where a government
soldier, leapt 5.5 m (18 ft) across the
River Garry to escape the Highlanders.
ª Turn left out of car park and follow
B8079 to Blair Castle and car park.

7 Blair Castle
Blair Atholl, Pitlochry; PH18 5TL
Strategically situated to defend the
highland passes, gleaming Blair Castle
(Apr–Oct: open daily; http://www.blair-castle. is an imposing sight. The
ancestral home of the Dukes of Atholl,
it dates back to the 13th century, but
has been greatly expanded over the
years. In the summer, a uniformed
piper may well be playing outside –
an Atholl Highlander, the only private
army in Europe, raised by the 4th Duke
in 1778. There is lots to see here, with
items as varied as the furniture used

8 The Fortingall Yew
Fortingall, Aberfeldy; PH15 2NQ
In a corner of the churchyard stands
the Fortingall Yew: probably the
oldest living thing in Europe, it is
thought to be 5,000 years old. Legend
has it that Pontius Pilate knew this
tree, not so unlikely as his father, an
army officer, was stationed here
during the Roman occupation.
ª Continue down the road to Bridge of
Balgie and turn left to A827. Turn right,
drive through Killin, then pick up A85
towards Perth. At Lochearnhead, take
the A84, then turn right to Balquhidder.

9 Balquhidder
Perthshire; FK19 8PA
This small village is set by Loch Voil
under spectacular mountains. In its
churchyard is the grave of one of
Scotland’s most famous figures: Rob
Roy Macgregor (1671–1734). Rob Roy,
whose nickname came from his red
hair (“roy” comes from the Gaelic for
red), fought at Killiecrankie. After a
dispute with the Duke of Montrose, he
embarked on a campaign of cattle
rustling and eventually became an
outlaw. Avoiding capture, he became a
romantic hero, immortalized by writers
Sir Walter Scott and Daniel Defoe.
ª Return to A84 south to Callander
and park in the centre.

0 Callander
Callander, Stirling; FK17
Popularly known as the “gateway to
the highlands”, Callander, with its shops
and restaurants, makes an excellent
base for exploring. In the 1960s and
70s it gained fame as Tannochbrae in
the TV version of Dr Finlay’s Casebook
by AJ Cronin. Visitors can enjoy signed
walks along the River Teith and to


Killiecrankie House Hotel expensive
Enjoy crisp white bedlinen and tasteful
furniture at this small country hotel with
rural views and locally sourced breakfasts.
Pass of Killiecrankie, PH16 5LG; 01796
473 220;

Arden House inexpensive
This handsome Victorian house has
comfortable, good-sized rooms.
Bracklinn Rd, FK17 8EQ; 01877 330
Leny Estate moderate
This peaceful estate on the edge of
Callander has six attractive, heated
lodge-style cabins and a flat in the castle.
Leny House, FK17 8HA; 01877 331 078;
Roman Camp Country House
A 17th-century hunting lodge, this
country house with wood panelling and
ornate ceilings offers traditional comforts.
Off Main Street, FK17 8BG; 01877 330

Lake of Menteith Hotel expensive
This hotel looks across the water towards
Inchmahome Priory and has bright
rooms. Breakfast on Scottish produce.
Port of Menteith, FK8 3RA; 01877 385

Far left Shaded woods in the gorge at the Pass of
Killicrankie Top left The magnificent white-
painted exterior of 13th-century Blair Castle
Bottom left The grave of Rob Roy bearing its
defiant motto

by Queen Victoria to an ivory compass
carried by Bonnie Prince Charlie. The
grounds include a deer park, gardens
and woods, the haunt of red squirrels.
ª Return past Killiecrankie on B8079,
then go right on the scenic B8019. At
Tummel Bridge, go left on B846 and turn
right to Fortingall. Park at the church.

Tourist Information
Ancaster Square, FK17 8ED; 01877 330
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