Belgium and Luxembourg (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(WallPaper) #1

River Vesdre passing under a flag-decked bridge at Chaudfontaine

Chaudfontaine 5

8 km (5 miles) SE of Liège. Road
Map E3. * 21,000. c n Ave
des Thermes 78 bis; (04) 3615630.

Sitting prettily on a curve of
River Vesdre, Chaudfontaine
is the site of the only natural
hot springs in Belgium. It first
developed its therapeutic
activities in 1676, when a
local landowner installed
rudimentary baths and
proclaimed the water’s
medical benefits. Today,
the main treatment
centre is the luxurious
Château des Thermes,
a restored 18th-century
residence set in a
wooded park. At the
interactive Source O
Rama museum, multimedia
techniques provide an
edu cational exploration of
cold-water and thermal spas.

 Château des Thermes
Rue Hauster 9. Tel (04) 3678067.
# daily. & 7 0 = http://www.
E Source O Rama
Avenue des Thermes 78(b).
Tel (04) 3642020. # Tue–Sun;
school hols. & 7 = http://www.

Eupen 7

21 km (13 miles) E of Blegny.
Road Map F2. Tel (03) 84635082.
* 17,500. £ @ n Marktplatz 7;
(087) 553450.

The capital of Belgium’s
German-speaking community,
Eupen is part of the border-
land Cantons de l’Est given
to Belgium by the Treaty of
Versailles after World War I.
From the town’s pleasant
streets, a massive carnival
erupts to mark the start of
Lent each year (see p35).
The Stadtmuseum (Town
Museum), set in a late 17th-
century cloth-merchant’s
house, tells Eupen’s story,
alongside local historic craft
products such as cloth, pot-
tery, gold work and furniture.
On the northern edge of town,
the chocolate manufacturers
Jacques & Callebaut have a
Musée du Chocolat, present-
ing the history of chocolate
and how it is made.

E Stadtmuseum
Gospert 52. Tel (087) 740005.
# 9:30am–noon and 1–4pm Tue–
Fri, 2–5pm Sat, 10am–noon and
2–5pm Sun. ¢ during Carnival. &
E Musée du Chocolat
Rue de l’Industrie 16. Tel (087)

  1. 9am–5pm Mon–Fri.

    ¢ during Carnival. & =

Blegny-Mine 6

Rue Lambert Marlet 23, Blegny;
11 km (7 miles) NE of Liège.
Road Map E3. Tel (04) 3874333.
@ # mid-Feb–Easter & mid-Sep–
Nov: weekends and public hols;
Easter–early Sep: daily. & 8 9
7 0 - =

The last coal mine in the
Province of Liège was forced
to close in 1980, but parts of

it have been meticulously
kept in working order and
opened to the public. After
an introductory film, visitors
don helmets and jackets to
go down a shaft in a lift cage.
This reaches a depth of 60 m
(197 ft) – a mere one-tenth
of the full depth of this mine.
Guided by a former miner,
the tour offers a taste of the
noise, danger and harsh
work ing conditions that the
so-called gueules
noires (black
faces) had
to endure at
the coal-face.
The Musée
de la Mine
provides more of
this history. For a
rural contrast, a little
tourist road train
takes visitors on a 50-minute
jaunt through the local
orchards and meadows.

The tourist train
at Blegny’s Musée
de la Mine

Chaudfontaine is one of two main spa towns of Belgium –
the other one being Spa itself (see p222). At Chaudfontaine,
the water is naturally hot, while at Spa it is cold. It was Spa,
however, that first attracted visitors convinced of the medical
benefits of mineral-rich waters.
They began arriving in 1550
and soon established the town
as a destination for nobility and
royalty. Waters of both towns
are still believed to help suffer-
ers of various maladies, includ-
ing rheumatism, gout and heart
and circulatory disorders. Until
the 1860s, visitors tended to
drink the waters. Today, the
centres offer a full range of
treatments, from bathing in
pools, saunas and Jacuzzis, to
steam rooms, mud baths and
beauty therapies. Both towns
also produce bottled mineral
water bearing their name.

Façade of the Pouhon Pierre-le-
Grand spring building at Spa
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